CIMC Alerts Blog
In Memoriam: Chicago labor and media activist Larry Duncan
Longtime Chicago activist on media and labor issues Larry Duncan has passed away. Memorials have been posted by Labor Beat and by Chicago Media Action.
Leak: Laquan McDonald's assassin faces 16 additional counts
Word leaked to Chicago corporate media this morning [March 23, 2017] that the assassin of Laquan McDonald is facing 16-additional counts of aggravated battery, in addition to the standing six counts of murder.
Activists win in court against city council over transparency rules, could override city council decisions
From the newswire: "a Cook County Judge ruled that the Chicago City Council violated Illinois’s Open Meetings Act (OMA) by refusing to allow members of the public to testify at its meetings in accordance with the Act...While [the] ruling covered just part of the activists’...motion, a final ruling on the suit as whole, if the City is found guilty of violating the OMA, could invalidate all final decisions made by the Council at its May 18 and June 22 meetings, including the $15.8 million TIF ordinance for luxury housing...passed at the June meeting."
Protesters for justice poised to take Michigan Avenue again on Nov. 25
For the second consecutive year, protesters working to achieve justice for unjust killings by police are organizing a Black Friday protest on Michigan Avenue on Friday, November 25th.
"Resist Trump!" Protest Set for Saturday, Nov. 19th
The latest in a series of protests in the wake of the 2016 election: Resist Trump, November 19th, Downtown Chicago
Oct. 27: Tenth anniversary of assassination of Indymedia journalist Brad Will
October 27, 2016 marks the tenth anniversary of the assassination of Brad Will, a journalist with NYC Indymedia (born in the Chicago area) who was killed covering Oaxaca death squads in Mexico. Brad Will was 36 years old.
Here is archival coverage from 2006, including a protest outside the Mexican consulate in Chicago which saw two arrested (including a CIMC journalist).
Chicago Teachers Union, Schools Reach Tentative Agreement
On the cusp of a public teachers' strike, the Chicago Teachers Union and the Chicago Public Schools have reached a midnight-hour tentative agreement.
Chicagoans March on Oct. 3rd against Anti-Homeless Policies
In the wake of illegal harassment of homeless Chicagoans, residents are taking to the streets with a protest on October 3rd against local anti-poor policies.
City of Chicago Threatens Illegal Seizures Of Homeless People's Possessions
From the newswire: "Activists are denouncing the City of Chicago's latest threatening moves against the city's homeless population ahead of a sweep scheduled for tomorrow morning, Friday, Sept. 16. Police and Department of Family Support Services (DFSS) personnel blanketed Uptown's homeless encampments late last week with notices threatening to destroy their tents and other possessions needed to survive the oncoming winter."
Rauner signs bill requiring stricter rules against anti-privacy stingrays
Stingrays, "cell-site simulators...which can locate and track a person's cell phone without their knowledge", will soon be under stricter rules in Illinois. (To learn more about stingrays and about digital surveillance generally, check out this interview on Chicago Independent Television.)
Chicago City Council Violates Illinois Open Meetings Act, Say Activists
From the Newswire: Activists Sue City Council. State Law Says Meetings Must Be Open to the General Public and Decisions Made at Closed Meetings Could Be Voided. (The suit is being filed by two longtime Chicago activists, representing North Side Action for Justice, Uptown Tent City Organizers, and the Gay Liberation Network.)
Chicago Reporter Unveils Sweeping Police Misconduct Lawsuits Database
The Chicago Reporter has made available a police misconduct lawsuits database, encompassing more than 650 cases from 2012 through 2015 totaling more than $210 million in Chicago taxpayer dollars.
#BlackLivesMatter activists call for justice after further release of cop videos
The city of Chicago has made public hundreds of audio and video files in what's billed as "a major step forward to promote transparency". Also, the prospects of a mass-release of Rahm Emanuel's own communications have gotten a big boost in court, making that likelihood all the greater. Even so, Black Lives Matter Chicago released a statement saying that such developments are but paltry moves to justice for victims of Chicago police brutality.
McDonald's Workers Converge on Shareholder Meeting for Higher Wages, Union Rights
On May 26, 2016, the McDonald's corporation is holding its annual shareholder meeting, which is the focus of a record-setting protest encompassing more than ten thousand workers demanding higher wages and the right to unionize.
Rahm Emanuel's donor base is overwhelmingly rich and white
In news that will surprise no one, but which is good to have formalized, Rahm Emanuel's donor base is overwhelmingly rich and white.
Documents show details of violence inside Homan Square
The Guardian provides specifc details of the torture scandal at Homan Square: "Internal documents from the Chicago police department show that officers used physical force on at least 14 men already in custody at the warehouse known as Homan Square."
Moral Bankruptcy Of Chicago's Elites
Forbes Magazine of all places has posted a damning indictment of the moral bankruptcy of Chicago's elites.
Chicago Teachers Union votes to hold one-day walkout on April 1st
The Chicago Teachers Union, saying that teachers are "dying the death of a thousand cuts", voted to hold a one-day walkout to be held on Friday, April 1st.
Donald Trump to face sizeable protest at campaign rally
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is scheduled to hold a rally in Chicago on Friday, March 11th. Efforts to protest Trump have galvanized Chicago.
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