Trump Rally Protest - Chicago, March 11, 4:30PM
On Friday, March 11th, Donald Trump will be holding a campaign rally at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago. This is a STUDENT-LED event dedicated to gathering a large group of people regardless of race, gender, religion, sexuality, political affiliation, etc. to unite in solidarity AGAINST the Donald Trump campaign and its presence at Chicago and at UIC.
We will be meeting as a collective at 4:30PM at the UIC East Campus Quad to start our protest! We have decided to push our meeting time back half an hour from the original time of 5PM. We will then make our way to the Pavilion in solidarity. Instead, we will aim to be at the Pavilion by 5PM. We apologize for the sudden change, and sincerely hope that it does not alter your plan to support this cause. Update everyone you know who plans to attend about our starting location! Map of the location is in the image below and circled in red.
**Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. The Pavilion will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.**
For those of you able to get tickets to the event, we are not responsible for the actions you take with your ticket. If you would like assistance from us in order to uphold our message and protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend the actual Trump Rally, get there early! His website says doors open at 3PM and we're sure others will be there even earlier than that.
The safety of everyone either at the rally or part of our efforts is our top priority. Several measures will be taken to ensure this is upheld.
Get your tickets for the event here!
Here's a petition to show our discontent with this rally being held at the UIC Pavilion:
Reasons for protesting:
-Trump has called for the complete and total shutdown of all Muslims entering the United States. He has claimed that Islam and Muslims are hateful and terrorists and must be barred entrance until he decides otherwise.
-Trump has generalized the entire Mexican immigrant community as criminals and rapists. He calls for the mass deportation of 11 million adults and children alike regardless of how long they have lived in the United States. He also calls for the building of a giant wall to separate us from our long-time allies in Mexico.
-Trump has advocated FOR war crimes such as but not limited to torture-interrogation, mass murder as a warning, the intentional murder of entire civilian families, and the indiscriminatory bombing of countries in the Middle East.
-Trump has consistently refused to disavow and condemn the white supremacist hate groups such as the KKK that support and work for his campaign.
-Trump has preyed on the fears of poor and middle class whites while at the same time not offering any policies that would support them in overcoming the very serious and real challenges that they also face in America.
-Trump's nativist, nationalist, and fascist stances parallel the most evil leaders this world has seen such as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.
-Trump shows a childlike temperament that would jeopardize our national security and potentially start unnecessary conflicts.
There are surely many other reasons that one may choose to condemn Trump's campaign. All are valid and acknowledged. The list grows with every passing day...
Trump has been known to provoke and encourage violence towards protesters in the past. Past protests have seen individuals be spit on, kicked, hit, shoved, and assaulted in various other ways. With that being said, our strength will lie both in our numbers and our ability to show these Trump supporters a higher class of behavior. We do not condone and will condemn any physical contact with supporters attending the rally; please keep your hands and items to yourself. Our goal must be to show the attendees the empathy, acceptance, and love that we strive to see in the world. Keep any signs and chants aimed at Trump and his campaign, instead of individual supporters.
If you are part of an organization either at UIC or in Chicago that would like to connect with us, please message the "Stop Trump 2016 - Chicago" page!
UIC is is no way connected to Trump campaign nor this event. This page and its admins are in no way responsible for the actions of everyone that attends this Rally either as a Trump supporter or an ally in our efforts.
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