White House & USDA Should Institute Vegan Only Food Stams

Healthy Food

It's time for our government to stop subsidizing
the eating of animals and/or their stolen milk and eggs.
1. to stop enabling animal agony
2. to reduce food poisoning, heart disease,
kidney disease, Alzheimer's, arthritis, obesity, cancer,
and 100 other diseases caused by cadaver eating
3. to slow down climate extremes.. Cattle ranches deforest the planet
4. to cut down on water pollution.. trillions of gallons of sewage and
urine dumped into streams and rivers
5. to stop energy waste.. depending on whether it is the flesh
of cows, pigs, lambs, chickens or other, per pound flesh foods take 81
or more times the energy expenditure. Animals must be fed, watered,
cleaned up after, given veterinary care. Their killers in
slaughterhouses take time and expense. Their flesh is frozen in trucks, warehouses, refrigerated in grocery stores, frozen at home and then heated in ovens at home.
6. to end the forced taxation of vegans and vegetarians who oppose
the violence... to end the forced taxation of Hindus (532 million
are vegetarian)and over 90% avoid cow flesh, the forced taxation
of Muslims and Orthodox Jews for pig flesh
7. Everyone is taxed for the health care of those who sicken
themselves by eating rotting flesh foods.

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