A Nazi playing Doctor?

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disappeared curriculum vitae from a Helios Server
Satan's Mark

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kallert (Hermann-Simon Pricing winner 1999) was at Helios in Leipzig / Probstheida and Evaluator for involuntary basic and human rights infringing clinic treatments by 2016.

Dr. Kallert signed unaudited false doctor's letter from the indictment to innocent people in order to denounce them as a dissocials so that they are stigmatized as a "mental disabled" within his competence spectrum.

After one of his (jewish) victims began to owe him about Indymedia, he moved his residence to work again as a chief physician in Bayreuth with the support of his faiths.

Prof. Kallert and another 2 colleagues coding F91.1 Diagnoses to hurt the victims in self-defense attempts to neo-Nazis, which have deprived of the victim. Although the victim could have sufficient social ties and could prove injuries, the health insurance and the medical service of the health insurance companies (MDK) has been refusing to correct this denunciation for over 6 years to initiate a compensation process. Among other things, one of Germany's largest investigative TV editors is called the subject as "not relevant" although about 10,000 people in Germany die in Germany through psychiatrial treatments. For example, Diazepam, Haldol and Oxcarbazepine were denounced intravenously and the heart complications then did not encode inunately.

While the Diagnose in Germany is categorized as Disorder of social behavior with missing social ties in U.S. it would categorized as Conduct disorder, childhood-onset type...



The diagnosis asozial was reformulated after the abuse by the Nazis for political reasons in DISOZIAL. In addition to racist categories, people were imprisoned as an asocial in KZ's, yet hardly conscience in Germany to construct a debate from it.

As "asocial" were offenders, drinkers, prostitutes and homelandling. They wore the black angle on their clothes as labeling and stood at the concise hierarchy at the bottom.



With emerging socio-criticism in the 1970s and 1980s, therefore, the social sciences tried to introduce the term "dissocial". This pointed out that standards and the action they are relative. An view is not superior to the other. It was meant that certain standard performances and manners considered in a social group as normal or the standard must not be due to the point of view of another group.


Even if the victims endangered are repeatedly raped by committed criminals and guards in a prison cell, administrative institutions ignore medical and legal arguments. The victim of the fascist robbery will be subordinated by diagnosis child abuse, animal abuse and pathological arsonism.

"According to his view, inactivity, lack of cooperation and duty to fight Rigoros, Simon represented as a convinced social darwinist and hereditary biologist not only the forced sterilization of the" inferior "and" ballast experiments ", but also their elimination, which he called" salvation ". He denounces the "Verkschrapping care" for the cripple, weak and sickly and therefore welcomed the power takeover of Hitler, as he saw the welcome opportunity in the National Socialist Racial and Health Policy, to eradicate the "social parasitism" as a contribution to the racial-biological recovery of the German people.

Because of his critical attitude towards the Hitlerregime he announced membership of the NSDAP. "

"Hermann Simon in honor was awarded since 1971 by the German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Nervacy (DGPPN) for outstanding works or merits in the field of social psychiatry, donated from the company Lundbeck in Hamburg. Since 2009 this price will be no longer awarded. "


"According to research, more than 10,000 people die each year (in Germany) as a result of or during psychiatric treatment. RDL spoke to a Freiburg activist about this day and about the alternative psychiatric or psychiatric critical structures and contact points in Freiburg."


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