#Dyett12 Hunger Strike Called Off After 34 Days

CIMC Repost


1. This morning at Rainbow Push, we announced an end to the hunger strike. We understand clearly that a system that will award affluent white families a $21 million dollar annex (that they tried to refuse) while Black parents starve for a quality neighborhood school will watch us waste away and won't lose a moment's sleep. We decided that we will feed our bodies so that until we win sustainable community schools for all of our children, the mayor and cps won't get a moments rest.

2. We want to thank our families, every organization and individual who made an emotional commitment to the success of this hunger strike. Thank you for bringing us water and juice, taking pictures, transporting supplies and the hunger strikers, the social media army, local, national and international relationships and exposure. Every bit of work was important.

3. While the struggle for Walter Dyett Global Leadership and Green Technology High School continues, we have had several key victories:
A. Last year we made CPS commit to reopening Dyett. This hunger strike stopped it from being privatized.
B. Dyett will be an open enrollment neighborhood school.
C. The school will keep the name Walter Dyett.
D. We have changed how we fight. No more fighting from the non-profit protest handbook.
E. We will be on an advisory community council to engage the district monthly on Dyett.

1. We are still working to have green technology and global leadership in the curriculum.
2. We are working to insure an elected lsc at the school; year 1.
3. We are working for respectful representation on the design team.

ALUTA CONTINUA! The struggle continues!


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