Anita Alvarez Is Leading in the Polls? Is Anybody Paying Attention?
Anita Alvarez is leading in the race for Cook County State’s Attorney, according to the recently released Tribune poll. This news is both shocking and incredible in light of the fact that she has been exposed over and over again as a charlatan and an enemy of the people. How can she possibly still be in the race? How can she even possibly still be in office? The answer is out there in black and white.
Her complicity in the cover-up of police crime was revealed to the world with the release of the video of Laquan McDonald’s murder, a release she and co-conspirator Rahm Emanuel vehemently resisted. Everyone, both in and out of government, pointed the finger at the CPD, IPRA, the Mayor’s office and the State’s Attorney’s office. More police shooting videos miraculously followed, in spite of Alvarez’s best efforts to keep them hidden, including the video of the police killing of Ronald Johnson. Alvarez even provided narration to accompany the Ronnieman video at a dog and pony show where she identified a shadow as proof that he had a gun, thereby justifying his murder. The Empress also has new clothes? She was playing to an audience already assuming he was armed and dangerous. Aren’t all black people? Anita Alvarez is counting on this racist fear mongering to carry her to reelection.
Anita Alvarez’s decades-long career as a prosecutor and State’s Attorney has been characterized by the zealous persecution of African American and Latino suspects and victims of police crimes and frame-ups. The goals of her office are prosecution, incarceration, and “winning” the case, justice be damned. When the injustice of trumped-up charges is exposed in case after case she fights, tooth and claw, to keep innocents in prison. There is no place for exoneration in her model of justice.
In a 2012 Sixty Minutes interview she notoriously refused to admit that the Dixmoor 5 had been wrongfully imprisoned on false confessions, even after they were exonerated by DNA evidence. The five black teens spent a collective 80 years behind bars for a crime they did not commit. In the same interview, Alvarez concocted a bizarre necrophilia theory in the Nina Glover rape and murder case and objected to the ordered release of the men who were also victimized by the same Chicago-style forced confessions. The interview was a public relations nightmare but, alas, not a career ender.
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