Video: Chicago cop opens fire on black teens in car

Chicago Reporter

A dashboard camera video obtained by The Chicago Reporter shows a police officer firing more than a dozen shots into a car filled with black teenagers in apparent violation of Chicago Police Department policy.

The video emerges at a time when iPhones, security cameras and other devices across the country are capturing images that often contradict police accounts of incidents in which officers are accused of misconduct.

In the video, recorded in December 2013, a Chicago police officer, identified in court documents as Marco Proano, shoots into a moving car of six unarmed teenagers at 95th and LaSalle streets on the city’s South Side. Two of the teenagers were shot – one in the shoulder and the other in the left hip and right heel, according to court documents.

Retired Cook County Judge Andrew Berman was so troubled by the video that he provided it to the Reporter. Berman was the judge in a criminal case against one of the teenagers. He described Proano’s actions as the most unsettling thing he’d seen in his 18 years as a judge and 17 years as a public defender.

“I’ve seen lots of gruesome, grisly crimes,” he said. “But this is disturbing on a whole different level.”

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