LOCAL News :: Protest Activity
March 19: Lack of Permit Won't Stop Anti-War Protest
Activists will rally without a permit at noon on March 19 at Michigan and Oak to mark the second anniversary of the Iraq war. Peace protesters are urging people to contact their aldermen and mayor Daley to allow the march to go forward to a permitted rally at 2PM this Saturday at the Federal Plaza.

On the 2nd anniversary of the Iraq War, the lack of a city permit won't stop the March 19 march and rally for civil liberties at home and self-determination abroad. - Pass the word.
No to War and Occupation! - Bring the Troops Home Now!
Noon: Oak St. & Michigan Ave. [There is not a permit for this assembly point and march]
2:00 PM: Federal Plaza, Adams & Dearborn [There is a permit for this rally]
While the government applauds public protest in city centers from Kiev to Beirut, our own city authorities have denied Chicagoans a parade permit to march down Michigan Ave. -- one of the city's most prominent public corridors -- transforming the "Magnificent Mile" into a "No Free Speech Zone". This despite the fact that street and sidewalk marches have been allowed here before, and commercial interests and the police march down the same route each year.
On Friday, March 11, a federal judge rejected the M-19 Coalition's request for an emergency injunction, agreeing with Chicago Mayor Richard Daley that only his office can decide where and when people will be permitted to exercise their constitutional rights and voice their opposition to the war in Iraq. A war that has already cost Chicago taxpayers more than $2 billion, -- and both Iraqi and U.S families thousands of lives.
Even at this late date, the CPD can change their minds and allow us to march down Michigan Avenue, but we need to pressure our alderman to ask the mayor to do the right thing. We cannot afford to be silent while the war drags on abroad and attacks on our civil liberties at home grow more fierce.
Contact your alderman and tell him/her we want the right to march down Michigan Ave., just as business groups and the police do each year! Remind them that a huge percentage of Chicagoans oppose the war in Iraq - and their voices deserve to be heard. Go to www.cityofchicago.org and click on the link named "Your Ward and Alderman" in the center section called "Your Government" to find your alderman -- and call, email and fax to say this is OUR city and we have the right to publicly express our opposition to this war.
And download a double-sided flyer here and bring as many copies as you can to hand out to passersby on the streets -- so we can get out the anti-war message our government is trying to suppress.
The U.S. government uses our tax dollars to bankroll occupations in Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan, threaten military intervention against Iran and Syria, support right-wing regimes in countries that include Colombia and Haiti, and overthrow the governments of Venezuela and Cuba. The hundreds of billions of dollars our government spends on war and occupation could instead fund affordable health care, housing, education, social security, public transportation (including the CTA) and a host of other social and economic needs at right here at home.
Send the government a message on this global day of action against war and occupation. Join us on March 19.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney will head a list of speakers that includes high school students who have organized against the military takeover at Senn High School; a Marine who refused orders to go to Iraq; and a Vietnam Veteran, and the father of a GI killed in Afghanistan.
Be aware that it is possible that police will arrest people assembling at Oak and Michigan if the cops give an order to disperse and folks choose not to leave. Last year, peace protesters also gathered without a permit by the thousands, with no arrests, but police discretion is no guarantee of your rights. For those who, due to family, work or other commitments, cannot risk arrest, protest organizers point out that the 2 pm rally at Federal Plaza was granted a permit months ago by the federal government.
Please Note: Under the city ordinance used to deny protesters a permit for the noon rally and march, people DO have the right to march along the sidewalk, flyer, and even protest, as long as they do not obstruct vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
M19 Feeder Marches: Northside March | Southside March | Youth & Militarization | Palestine Solidarity | Gay Liberation Network | Southsiders for Peace | Colombia Consulate | CPT-Boeing
For more information, email chicagoactions@ameritech.net or call 773-209-1187
Enorsers list:(in formation) 8th
Day Center for Justice; A.F.S.C.M.E. Local 3506; A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition - Chicago; Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice; American Friends Service Committee; American Indian Action Group; Andersonville Neighbors for Peace; Antiwar 4 the Million Worker March; Arab American Action Network; Beyond Today; Chicago ADAPT; Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism; Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights; Chicago Democratic Socialists of America; Chicago Media Action; Chicagoans Against War & Injustice; Chicagoland Anarchist Network; Colombia Action Network; Comite En Contra del Reclutamiento Militar de Nuestros Jovenes; Freedom Road Socialist Organization; Gay Liberation Network; HammerHard MediaWorks; Hyde Park Committee Against War & Racism; Illinois Peace Action; International Socialist Organization; International Solidarity Movement-Chicago chapter; Joyous Revolution; League of Revolutionaries For a New America/Peoples Tribune/Tribuno del Pueblo; Libertarian Party of Chicago; National Lawyers Guild; Nicaragua Solidarity Committee; North West Indiana Coalition Against the Iraq War; Not In My Name; Oak Park Coalition for Truth and Justice; Oakton Students for Social Justice; Palestine Solidarity Group; Party for Socialism and Liberation; Peace Pledge Chicago; PeaceMajority.org; Progressive Democrats of Illinois; Queer and Trans Anarchist Caucus; Social Action Committee of Third Unitarian Church; Socialist Park USA (Chicago); South Siders for Peace; Students Against Militarization of Youth; Students for Social Justice; The Lusory; Voices in the Wilderness; Women for Democracy and Fair Elections; Women Strike for Security; Workers World Party, Chicago branch.