Our work spans the range of media tools, including our regular monthly TV and radio shows which broadcast locally, nationally and on the internet.
Corporate media provides a one-way conduit. Not us. We invite and encourage grassroots participation through our media projects, our open newswire and our open comments mechanism — all dynamic and democratic tools we deployed long before blogs helped make the practice widespread.
You're reading this because you participate in the Chicago Indymedia community. And as a member of our community, we'd like to ask for your help. Our operations cost money — for video tape, equipment and expenses like our phone line. If you value Chicago Indymedia and if you can afford to make a donation, please give.
You can donate in two ways:
Everybody who donates gets a free Chicago Indymedia button — so be sure to include a mailing address where we can send our thanks. Supporters who donate more than $50 get a button and a free Chicago Indymedia t-shirt (be sure to include an email address and a size request). Supporters who donate more than $100 get a free CIMC t-shirt, a free CIMC button, and a full set of DVDs of "Chicago Independent Television", our nationally syndicated television show.
Finally, we are happy to take donations of financial assistance, equipment — or your volunteer labor! We always need computers, monitors, cameras, audio equipment, and anything else you think might be valuable to a public media outlet.
Please contact us if you would like more information about about donations or our work.
Thanks for being a part of the global Indymedia community, and for supporting Chicago Indymedia.
In solidarity,
The Chicago Indymedia collective
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