News :: Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Protest Activity
NATO/G8 Chicago updates: Protest permits approved (sort of); Protest ordinances revised (barely)
13 Jan 2012
by CIMC - MS (img by AT)

From the newswire: "Activists with the Coalition Against the NATO and G8 War & Poverty Agenda (CANG8) this afternoon received a permit from the City of Chicago for a Saturday, May 19 march from Daley Plaza to McCormick Place, site of the NATO / G8 summits to be held May 19-21." But the permit includes an "escape clause" which would allow the Secret Service to nullify the permits.
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Also, Mayor Emanuel's "sit down and shut up" anti-protester ordinances have taken a beating in public opinion, so he revised it. But the revisions, despite claims from the Mayor's office to be substantial, appear upon review to be little more than cosmetic. Only a small number of changes — a reduced increase of fines, and elimination of the marshal requirement — appear in the update. The remaining restrictions — including the redefinition of "resisting arrest", onerous insurance requirements, requiring a week's advance notice, and stringent requirements on Chicago sidewalks — all remain in place.
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On Thursday, Mayor Emanuel pulled aldermen into closed-door meetings to lobby for proposed "improvements" to his effort to revise protest ordinances. But G8 / NATO protesters are ramping up pressure on the City Council to reject Mayor Emanuel's proposed "revisions", and have called on Chicagoans to urge a rejection of this ordinance.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Protest Activity
Chicago Raises Voices Against Mayor Emanuel's Anti-Protester Ordinance
08 Jan 2012
by CIMC - MS (img by AT)

With Chicago slated to
host the 2012 NATO/G8 summit in May 2012, Chicago officials are engaging in sabre-rattling against grassroots activists,
first with wanton arrests admitted as "just practice for G8/NATO", and now with a proposed draconian rewrite of local Chicago laws involving public protest.
While the rewrite did get attention in Chicago's corporate media, aspects of it went little reported — like redefining "resisting arrest" to include passive resistance (like going limp), increasing the ranges of fines for violations, requiring $1 million dollars of liability insurance per protest, registering with the city at least a week in advance, and even imposing stringent requirements against protests, picket lines, or public assemblies on Chicago sidewalks.
Activists have
raised the call to oppose this rewrite, with a forthcoming city council vote slated for January 18th.
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Related Links:
Occupy Chicago: Operation Roll Call | FB event:
J17 - Bill of Rights Funeral Service | FB Event: J18 -
Chicago City Council: Stand Up For Our Rights
Review :: Miscellaneous
The 2011 Chicago Indymedia Year In Review
07 Jan 2012
by CIMC - MS (img by MLE)

Since 2003, Chicago Indymedia has compiled its annual collected list of links of articles, resources, and posts made to the Chicago Indymedia newswire for the annual Chicago Indymedia Year In Review. We are pleased to announce
the 2011 Chicago Indymedia Year in Review, with more than 300 collected links.
News :: Peace : Protest Activity
Charges against Chicago activist Pat Hunt dropped; city attorney admits arrest "just practice for G8/NATO"
09 Dec 2011
by CIMC - MS (img by AT)

On October 8, 2011, Chicago activist Pat Hunt was arrested over two alleged ordinance violations during the Chicago grassroots protest over
the 10th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan.
On December 6th, the City of Chicago dropped the charges against Hunt.
National Lawyers Guild attorney Jeff Frank said that the violations were simply a cover for harassing protesters, and Hunt was targeted because she was the signatory of the protest permit application. Indeed, an attorney with the city even admitted: "You know, this is just practice for G8/NATO."
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Announcement :: Media
Chicago Independent TV in December: 9/11 Anniversary, Rahm's Sordid History, Hackergate comes to Chicago
09 Dec 2011
by CIMC Video Collective
Announcement :: Media
From The Trenches Radio for November: Media Democracy Day 2011
09 Dec 2011
by CIMC Radio and Friends
Announcement :: Media
Chicago Independent TV in November: Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Chicago, Afghanistan War Anniversary Protest
06 Nov 2011
by CIMC Video Collective
News :: Civil & Human Rights
Thousands march in second weekend mass mobilization for Occupy Chicago