"There will come a time when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you strangle today!"— August Spies, Haymarket Martyr, spoken before his execution
Chicago Indymedia's logo | The figure in our logo is taken from the monument to the Haymarket Massacre of 1886. The statue stands in the Waldheim Cemetery in the Chicago suburb of Forest Park, and depicts Justice preparing to draw a sword while placing a laurel wreath on the brow of a fallen worker. The massacre and the trials that followed it would become internationally symbolic. Haymarket provides a symbol of Chicago's radical labor history, and of humanity's irrepressible struggle for political liberty, and social and economic justice. The tragic events in Haymarket on the night of May 4, 1886 were directly linked to U.S. labor's national campaign for the Eight-Hour Day, which climaxed on May 1, 1886. The designation of May 1 as the day of labor celebration throughout the world has its roots in Haymarket. | Waldheim Cemetery, on the centennial of the Haymarket Massacre — May 4, 1986 |
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