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LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

Southside M19 Feeder March Route

More information will be posted over the next couple of days. PDFs of flyers will be posted.

The Southside is organizing our 2nd Southside Anti-War Feeder March. Last year's was the 30 Mile Walk Against War...and this year we're back at it again!

The Route:

*BEGINNING AT 51st St. to 51st/Pulaski (Military Recruitment Center)[TIME FOR THIS IS TBA, WE BELIEVE IT WILL BE AROUND 5:30A OR 6A]

- then North on Pulaski to Archer

- head North East on Archer to Hoyne (because Damen doesn't go through to Archer at that point)

- North on Hoyne to 31st sT.(this will put us in view of folks on the Stevenson Expressway)

- then East on 31st. to Damen

- North on Damen to 18th St. (Zapata Park [named Harrison Park by the city])

- Rally at 18th/Damen [RALLY AT 7:30AM, KICK OFF 8:20A] speakers TBA

- East on 18th St. to Ashland

- North on Ashland

- then continue onto Jackson and Ashland, go East on Jackson

- take Jackson to Wacker

- Go North on Wacker all the way to where Wacker because an East/West st. Go East on Wacker to the Iraeli Consulate located at Michigan and Wacker, 111 E. Wacker to meet up with our comrades at the Palestine Solidarity [RALLY 10:30A, KICK OFF 11AM]

- Then we'll travel together North to Oak/Michigan - the starting point for
the M19 large demo/march.


Chicagoland Anarchist Network
Industrial Workers of the World (Chicago Branch)
Pomegranate: Radical Health Collective
Southside House

..more TBA. If you would like to be an endorser you can either email ChiAnarchists (at) or write to the Chicagoland Anarchist Network listserv via Endorsement is free though water and your physical presence is appreciated.

********Power to the Peaceful********



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