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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Elections & Legislation : Peace : Protest Activity

Chicagoans Join Anti-RNC Actions, Decry Violent Crackdown

The Whole World Is WatchingThe 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, like other political conventions in recent years, has seen mass-protests against the RNC on a variety of issues and violent responses from police and other authorities.

The police violence began the weekend before the RNC began, when convergence spaces in the Twin Cities were raided to intimidate counter-convention attendees. Chicagoans were among those arrestees amid the raids, and other Chicagoans called for solidarity and decried the violent crackdown. [See Chicago Independent Television coverage of Chicago press conference: Video 1 | Video 2 ]

When the convention began, a massive march and a host of smaller actions enveloped the Twin Cities. Activists faced down a massive police presence, further repression, and hundreds of arrests. The additional repression extended beyond protesters and activists but also to journalists; Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, was among the arrestees.

Photos from RNC: Photo Set 1 | Photo Set 2 | Photo Set 3 | Photo Set 4 | RNC Day 1 | RNC Day 4

Additional Indymedia Coverage: Twin Cities Indymedia | Indymedia US: RNC Day 1 | Indymedia US: RNC Day 2 | LA Indymedia: Last day of RNC | Boston IMC: Riot Police Target Journalists at the RNC

Additional Chicago-related coverage: Marching on the RNC | Statement of Solidarity with NO RNC Organizers in the Twin Cities | Superanne Twitter Feed at the RNC | Chi-town Daily News: Police Targetting Journalists at RNC

Additional Coverage: RNC 08 Twitter Feed | CodePINK Liveblogging | Radical Reference: RNC Raids | Democracy Now! | Coldsnap Legal Collective | Two people from Milwaukee illegally imprisoned in St. Paul | Arrested Street Medic Speaks - Press Release | The Ground Noise and the Static: A Chronicle of the Battle of Saint Paul, RNC 2008


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