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LOCAL News :: Crime & Police

Two people from Milwaukee illegally imprisoned in St. Paul

At least two folks from Milwaukee have been caught up in the political repression against anti-RNC protesters. One person from Milwaukee is being held in Ramsey County Jail and is being denied the right to go before a judge. Another was arrested today by police and the FBI.
As part of their wave of terror, the joint forces of the FBI and the Ramsey County Sheriffs department are currently holding prisoner two people from Milwaukee.

One was arrested monday while caring for a friend who had been injured by police chemical weapons. She is being held without bail in Ramsey County Jail and despite being incarcerated for four days now, has not seen a judge.

The other, Dave Mahoney, was arrested today by a person wearing an FBI shirt. He was picked up off the street. People with him asked why he was being arrested, but were given no response.

The actions of the Sheriff's department and the FBI are reprehensible examples of the political repression and terror they've spread throughout the twin cities before and during the Republican National Convention. These are transparent efforts to squash dissent and eliminate organized resistance.

In the last week, the state has raided our houses, put our friends in jail, levied trumped up charges against them, slandered us, outright lied about us, pepper-sprayed and tear gassed us. But our passion for freedom endures. Rather than terrorize us into submission, they've only emboldened us.

Now more than ever, we as a community need to come together.

If you want to help, stay tuned to for more updates on these and all other prisoners of the state. You can also call the Coldsnap Legal Collective to find out other ways to help. Coldsnap's number is 651-356-8635. Many folks are still being held in jail and are being denied proper care. You can call the Jail at 651-266-9350 or the Mayor of St. Paul's office at 651.266.8510. Residents of Milwaukee should also feel encouraged to call their alderperson and let them know about the police repression they've contributed to by unanimously voting to send Milwaukee police officers to St. Paul.

With Love




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