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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Globalization : Labor : Protest Activity

Midwest Encuentro going down this weekend!!

Join us Feb. 23-24 in Chicago for the Midwest Encuentro – a networking and strategy gathering of youth, student, community and labor allies of the Coalition of Immokale Workers!
Join us at the Midwest Encuentro!

This April, farmworkers and their allies will gather in Chicago for an historic mobilization marking a new phase in the Campaign for Fair Food. But we know this struggle for dignity in the fields will not end with the actions against McDonald's this spring.

Now is the time to come together and build the connections and skills we'll need in the months and years ahead. Join us Feb. 23-24 in Chicago for the Midwest Encuentro – a networking and strategy gathering of youth, student, community and labor allies of the CIW:

* Friday, Feb. 23, 7pm – Video, food, music and presentation with the CIW
* Saturday, Feb. 24, 9am-9pm – Strategy discussions and workshops
* All events take place as Casa Aztlan, 1831 S. Racine, Chicago, IL
* Download and share the outreach flyers in english and spanish:

Workshop topics include: Presentation and discussions with farmworker leaders from Immokalee; "Fair Food Animators" training; Mobilizing for the April 13-14 actions; Educating and engaging communities beyond April; Solidarity and connections between our struggles; Art-making and action at local McDonald's!

Contact us to RSVP or for more information: organize (at)



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