Florida's Coalition of Immokalee Workers Puts Global Justice Back on the (US Kitchen) Table
Zapatismo vs McDonald's
(Click here
zapagringo.blogspot.com/2007/02/zapatismo-vs-mcdonalds.html for full article with hyperlinks)
Florida's Coalition of Immokalee Workers Puts Global Justice Back on the (US Kitchen) Table
First things first: Find some way to get yourself to Chicago this April 13th & 14th to join the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, and their allies from around the world, in what will be an historic mobilization and gathering for "Fair Food, Real Rights, and Dignity" in the USA!
There's more information on how to do that below, but first a couple questions:
How did a small group of Mayan indigenous people armed with machetes, sticks, and a few guns-certainly no military threat to the Mexican regime-force the then-ruling PRI to make more concessions to the political opposition of their country in the three weeks following the Zapatistas' 1994 uprising than they had in the 50 years prior?
How did the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), a 2,500 member organization of farmworkers with no legal rights to organize in the USA, bring the world's largest restaurant corporation, Yum! Brands (Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, A&W, Long John Silver’s, and Pizza Hut), to its knees in an age of rising corporate power and declining worker unionization?
Well, neither of them did it alone for one, so see below for how you can join the CIW this April in Chicago and support them in the meantime. You'll also find below a few connections between the CIW and the Zapatistas...not the least of which there statement of adherence to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, translated into English here at Zapagringo.com...