Announcement :: International Relations
Speakers on Venezuela and Colombia, Nov. 6
Erika Zurawski of the Colombia Action Network and Rixio Barrios of the Bolivarian Circles of Cincinnati speaking on US Imperialism in Colombia and Venezuela. Sunday November 6th, 6:00 PM, Casa Michoacan, 1638 S. Blue Island Ave.
can 10-13.doc (44 k)
No Blood for Oil in Iraq, Venezuela, or Colombia!
Defend the pro-people Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela!
End the U.S. government's deadly Plan Colombia!
A night of Solidarity with Colombia and Support for the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela
Sunday November 6th, 6:00 PM
Casa Michoacan
1638 S. Blue Island Avenue
Bolivarian Circle of Chicago
Colombia Action Network
Erika Zurawski
Erika is a member of the Colombia Action Network and participated in a US delegation to Colombia this summer. The delegation met with human rights organizations, labor unions and campesino (peasant) groups to investigate the true effects of US military aid to Colombia.
Rixio Barrios
Rixio is a member of the Bolivarian Circle of Cincinnati. He was part of the Ground Team for the International Youth and Student Festival in Caracas this summer, and he was an initiator of the Bolivarian contingent at the September 24th demonstration against the Iraq war in Washington DC.