Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia


09 Two CAP Boys.jpg
I had an interesting discussion with the Civil Air Patrol cadet on the right. He said that he's learned a lot being in the CAP, a military-aligned program, such as self-discipline. For high schoolers, as he is, there's not much else offered aside from sports. I asked him what he would do if he found himself serving in a war he didn't believe in. He took the question seriously, expressed that going AWOL would get one in a lot of trouble, but he supposed if you ‘just shut up and do your job, the war will get over that much faster.’ I didn’t want to respond, because I knew I would have come off preachy. I do respect him, he’s involved in a service organization; they primarily help with civilian search and rescue. I’m glad he’s found something to be a part of, rather than wasting away on video games. I think what I do want to say is a prayer that we each can have the awareness and strength to do the right things, and to refuse participation in the things that destroy life.
Media File
Garth Liebhaber
File Size
59k (image/jpeg)
Date Posted
23 Aug 2005
Copyright by the artist. All rights reserved.


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