Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

Saturday Chicago protest in solidarity w/people of Libya

1PM Saturday, Chicago protest in solidarity with struggle for democracy in Libya, which has seen some of the most vicious repression in history in the wake of public demands for an end to Gadaffi dictatorship.
We are not done!

Come out and show your solidarity with the Libya people. It is particularly important that the youth make their presence felt. The youth in Tunisia and Egypt have been the souls of change in their respective nations. It is time for a new generation of Libyans to step up and demand a better future. Our struggle does not begin and end with Feb. 17. Our struggle will go on until justice prevails in our beloved Libya. LONG LIVE LIBYA AND THE LIBYAN PEOPLE!!

Everyone is welcome, Libyan or not. Come represent your country. Bring your flags!

Libya needs you NOW!

Also, a huge thank you to our sponsors and endorsers for their support and encouragement:

Sponsored by the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC), Mosque Foundation and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)

Endorsers: Muslim American Society-Chicago (MAS), Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Project Mobilize Students for Justice in Palestine (DePaul University) SJP-Northeastern Illinois University, SJP-University of Chicago, SJP-University of Illinois-Chicago, SJP-Benedictine University, SJP-School of the Art Institute, International Socialist Organization (ISO), Palestine Solidarity Group - Chicago (PSG), United States Palestine Community Network(USPCN), Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism (CCAWR), Northwestern Progressive Student Union, United African Organizations (UAO), Islamic Community Center of Illinois (ICCI), Global Affairs Council (GAC) and the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)



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