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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

M20: Midwest Still Says No to War! March & Rally - Updated Info 3/9

On March 20, 2003, more than fifteen thousand people marched down Chicago's Lake Shore Drive to oppose the beginning of the war on Iraq. This March 20, we'll finish that march - and join millions across the world in sending a clear message to the U.S. government: The Midwest STILL says no to war!

March 20th: The Midwest Still Says No to War! - March & Rally

End the Occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan & Palestine • Troops Out Now! • Money for Jobs, Housing, Healthcare & Education, Not for Wars & Occupation • Stop Racial Profiling - Defend Civil Liberties and Immigrant Rights!

Saturday, March 20th - 12 Noon

  • March step-off from Michigan & Pearson, one block north of Chicago Ave.

    Rally at Federal Plaza - 1:30 PM
  • Dearborn and Adams, Chicago

    On March 20, people from across the Midwest will march from Michigan and Pearson to the Federal Plaza to voice our opposition to war and occupation. That march will take us along one of the city's busiest corridors -- allowing us to get our call for peace out to as broad an audience as possible. March 20's Chicago march and rally is part of a global day of action to oppose endless war and occupation -- one that will bring together people in hundreds of cities across the globe. Join us!

    Tell Mayor Daley the sidewalk isn't good enough ... on 3/20, when we march against war and occupation -- approve our permit to march in the street!

    March 20th Organizing Resources:

  • March 20th Flyers (PDF): [ English | English - more text | Spanish | Arabic | 1/4 sheet flyer ]
  • March 20th Posters (PDF): [ English | Spanish | Arabic ]

    Using poster files to make 11 x 17 posters: Download and print out the 'posters' on conventional 8-1/2" x 11" paper. Then place the 'poster' on a copier that can do enlargements -- and set the "enlarge" function to 155% and set the paper size to "ledger" (11 x 17 inch paper). That's it -- you've got an 11" x 17" poster. ( Please note: if your copier is one of the handful on the market that has an automatic image centering mechanism, this default needs to be disabled to print the poster properly ).

  • BRAILLE flyers in English and Spanish: Click here for downloads. Requires special software and printer.

    Transportation and Housing Info:

  • Download Chicago transportation info and directions (PDF)
  • Download a guide (PDF) to low cost housing options in Chicago

    Current Cosponsors: (list in formation) 8th Day Center for Justice; Action for Freedom; Adalberto Methodist Church; AFSCME Local 3506; AlbanyPark, NorthPark, & Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice; American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee/Chicago Chapter; American Friends Service Committee; Andersonville Neighbors for Peace; Bridgeport Neighbors for Peace; Campus Anti-War Network; Chicago Action Medical; Chicago ANSWER; Chicago Anti-Bashing Network; Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism; Chicago Committee to Free the Cuban 5; Chicago Cuba Coalition; Chicago Islamic Center; Chicago Labor Against War; Chicago Student Labor Action Project (SLAP); Chicagoland Coalition for Civil Liberties & Rights; ChiRevNet (Chicago Revolutionary Network); Coalition for Justice in Palestine; Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago; DeKalb Interfaith Network for Peace & Justice; Democratic Socialists of America; DePaul Students Against the War; Education Not Empire Coalition; Evanston Neighbors for Peace; Free Palestine Alliance; Freedom Road Socialist Organization; Hammerhard Media Works; Healing Earth Bookstore; Hyde Park Committee Against War & Racism; Illinois Green Party; International Action Center; International Socialist Organization; International Solidarity Movement, Chicago Chapter; Islamic Association for Palestine; League of Filipino Students; League of Revolutionaries for a New America; McHenry County Peace Group; Muslim Civil Rights Center; National Boricua Human Rights Network; National Council of Arab Americans; National Disabled Students Union; Newtopia Magazine; Nicaragua Solidarity Committee; Northeastern Illinois University Anti-War Coalition; Northwest Suburban SUSTAIN; Not In My Name; Not In Our Name; Palestine Aid Society; Palestine Solidarity Group; Peace Pledge-Chicago; Peace Resource Project; People's Tribune/Tribuno del Pueblo; Philippine Anti-Intervention Network; Philippine Solidarity Committee; Prairie Fire Organizing Committee; Refuse & Resist!; Sangat-Chicago; Southsiders for Peace; Students for Social Justice.

    Your organization not listed yet?

    Here’s what we're looking for co-sponsors to do:

  • Help publicize the march and rally through e-mailings, "snail" mailings, postings on your website, phone calling, announcements in your newsletter and at your meetings.
  • Publicize the march and rally by agreeing to put up flyers/posters in a SPECIFIC area of the city and/or suburbs or outside the Chicago area. Please e-mail us back with the location(s) that your group will agree to put up posters, and then please do so as soon as possible.
  • Make a suggested donation of $25 (more if you can!) to the effort. Please make the check payable to 8th Day Center for Justice, write 3/20/04 in the memo section, and mail it to: CABN, 4404 N. Magnolia, #420, Chicago, IL 60640. For truly impoverished organizations, donations are not a requirement for being a cosponsor.

    Please snail mail to the address above and/or email the following information to CCAWR (at)

  • Your organization’s name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address
  • Your name, telephone number(s), and e-mail address.
  • What SPECIFIC area of Chicago, suburbs, or other city your group will take responsibility for putting up posters in shops, bulletin boards, etc (please put them up in legal locations only).

    Visit the March 20th Anti- War Organizing Committee website or call 888-771-0874 for more info.




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