Occupy Chicago // occupychi.org
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Monday 11/7: Occupy Chicago Stands with Seniors to Challenge Essential Social Program Cuts
CHICAGO 11/5/11- On Monday, November 7, Occupy Chicago will stand with a diverse coalition to pressure Illinois Senators to halt slashes to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Housing and Urban Development programs.
Standing beside advocacy group Jane Adams Senior Caucus (JASC) and their allies in the fight for economic equality, Occupy Chicago will rally at 10am in Federal Plaza, at Adams and Dearborn, outside the offices of Senators Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk, to demand an end to budget cuts that target Illinois' most needy citizens.
“We are fighting for our elders, for our children, and for our future. Their welfare is our priority. We demand our elected leaders, like Durbin, Kirk and 'Mayor 1%' Emanuel, chose to serve the people, and protect the programs that ensure our futures.” said Rachael Perrotta, an office worker and participant in Occupy Chicago.
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and HUD budgets are all programs that support seniors and empower them to live in good health.
“It’s evident that our elected leaders don’t care about the most vulnerable, our seniors. Occupy Chicago is mobilizing, using our voices and bodies to show that we, the 99 percent, support one another. Join us!” said Kelly Fairler, a member of the Occupy Chicago Direct Action Committee.
Affiliate support groups for the rally and march include Access Living, Bickerdike, Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, Community Renewal Society, IL – Alliance for Retired Americans, Kenwood Oakland Community Organization, Lakeview Action Coalition, Metropolitan Tenants Organization, Northside P.O.W.E.R, Organization of the Northeast, Service Employees International Union – Health Care, Southside Together Organizing for Power and Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation.
For more information about Occupy Chicago, see
www.OccupyChi.org, follow on Twitter @OccupyChicago or #OccupyChi, or visit facebook.com/OccupyChicago
For more information about Jane Adams Senior Caucus, visit