Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : International Relations : Peace

David Rovics in Concert Oct. 29th to Benefit Anti-G8/NATO Organizing!

The G8 and NATO, an assemblage of the biggest war-makers and banksters on the planet, is coming to Chicago in May 2012.

David Rovics v Iraq War.jpg
The feds will shovel out $55 million for “security” against protesters of the G8 and NATO, according to a recent Tribune article.

But for those in the streets opposing the bankers and the generals, funding will be a bit more scarce.

Please come to an October 29th benefit concert to support organizing against the G8 and NATO summits, featuring…


7 PM, Saturday, October 29
St. Augustine College
In Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood
1345 W. Argyle Street

On-line advance tickets are $25 thru October 27 – first come, first served.

Please consider ordering $50 “solidarity price” tickets to really help oppose the G8 and NATO!

If available, tickets at the door will be $30.

Click here to order your tickets now.

For more info email CCAWR [at]

Please help promote the event by printing out and distributing pdf handbill below:
Handbill.pdf (391 k)



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