In a staggering move, the Chicago Police Department orders nonviolent social movement Occupy Chicago to stop occupying or risk citation and arrest.
In a staggering move, the Chicago Police Department orders nonviolent social movement Occupy Chicago to stop occupying or risk citation and arrest.
This tactic comes as a shock and surprise to the peaceful Occupy Chicago contingent, headquartered at outside the Federal Reserve Bank at LaSalle and Jackson. An AP article in the Chicago Tribune from Monday, October 3 praised the group for its relationship with the police.
Occupy Chicago member Micah said the police seem responsive in philosophical discussions about 99 percent of Americans have been swindled and silenced by the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans who exert shocking influence over everything from corporations to government.
“The police know they’re in the 99 percent, like me, like all of us at Occupy Chicago, and like everyone we’re standing up for across the nation,” Philbrook said. After 12 days of occupation, however, these shared ideas have given way to an emphasis on increased pressure on the demonstrators.
Since Sept. 23, Occupy Chicago has been utilizing the sidewalk in front of the Federal Reserve Bank building to raise awareness the corruption and complicity in the banking industry and government. Under the shadow of the Board of Trade, Occupy Chicago has built a community for the affected.
The spotless occupation area currently boasts a live webstream and technology hub, space for group meetings, a library, a water distribution center, a makeshift cafeteria, blankets and clothes, a live music area, a protest rhetoric gallery and congregation area.
According to Lieutenant John Serafini, the Occupy Chicago community cannot remain grounded on sidewalks in front of the Federal Reserve Bank or protesters will be cited or possibly arrested. Last Monday, Sept. 26, police allowed the movement to stay, with the Lieutenant dropping off hot coffee in a show goodwill.
Facing this, Occupy Chicago members Joe and Mike determined the best action to remain in solidarity with occupied cities all over the world. Today, at long last, the group moves its headquarters to twin sites nearby the Federal Reserve, all the while while retaining a shifting, peaceful, and lawful presence outside the Fed.
The group will additionally meet twice daily, at the Federal Reserve Bank at 3 pm, and at Millennium Park at 7pm for a large-scale, open, and inclusive General Assembly. Updates are and will always be available at the group’s website,; its Twitter, @occupychicago; and it’s facebook page as Occupy Chicago on Facebook.
Since sponsored a march on Wall Street almost three weeks ago, over 160 sympathetic movements have joined the struggle. Occupy Chicago member Mark said that Occupy Wall Street has been an inspiration and a source of guidance, “We learned from their experiences; they showed us how to build relationships and to make sure all voices are heard in this fight against the hijacking of our democracy.”
For more information, see and @OccupyChicago on Twitter. and tag posts with #OccupyChi. OccupyChicago is likewise on facebook.
For more information on the worldwide protest, see