Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

July 31st Day Of Action Against Fascism and Racism

On July 31, 2010, militants and organizers across the U.S., Canada, and Europe participated in the International Day of Action Against Fascism and Racism. Please join us on July 31, 2011, as we collaborate again to struggle against white supremacists organizing in our communities.
Who: Revolutionaries everywhere!
What: Organizing events and actions against fascism and white supremacy!
When: July 31, 2011! Where: Wherever you are!
Why: To clean up the streets and take out the trash!

On March 27, 2010, Luke Querner was shot while exiting a bar in downtown Portland, Oregon. While police investigation and local reporters initially played this off as gang-related violence, friends, family, and community members spoke up to let the truth be known: Luke was an anti-racist skinhead that organized against white supremacists in his community, and was in turn attacked by white supremacists in an effort to silence and intimidate anti-racist/anti-fascist organizers. Luke survived the shooting, which left him partially paralyzed.

In response to the shooting, anti-fascists organized the July 31 Day of Action Against Fascism and Racism to publicly fight back. This occurred in the midst of a rise of racist far-right activity in the U.S., including Arizona's racist SB1070 immigrant bill, Tea Party tax protests, and vigilante border patrols by neo-Nazis.

We have chosen to put out a call to action again this year as a means of coordinating anti-fascist struggles. In 2010, we saw a variety of actions and efforts that reflected the diversity of the participating organizations, which included benefit shows, public events, protests, and public outings of white supremacists. Only by organizing against white supremacists and fascists can we protect ourselves from their violent attacks, and not by putting faith in the police and legal systems that enforce borders and criminalize People of Color.

On July 31, 2011, join together with radical anti-fascists to take it to the streets and oppose racism and fascism in our communities.

List of Endorsers

Circle City Anti-Racist Action
Four Star Anarchist Organization
Gay Liberation Network
South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action
Central Texas ABC
Dirty Hands(Durango, CO)
Arch City ARA
First of May Anarchist Alliance(M1)
General defense committee of the IWW
One peoples project
Hub City ARA

If your organization would like to endorse this call to action, please contact us at southsidechicagoara (at) and we will add your name to the list of endorsers.



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