Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Crime & Police

Gary Cops Found Guilty In Savage Beating of 60-year-old Veteran

Percy Perry's face left "unrecognizable" after cops beat him, forcing an eye out of its socket

Federal Jury Delivers $850,000 Verdict Against Gary Police
Gary, IN police officers Anthony Blood and Irving Givens were found guilty in Hammond Federal Court last Friday of severely beating 60-year-old Gary resident Percy Perry on June 24, 2007.

The federal jury ordered that Mr. Perry be awarded $750,000 in compensatory damages and an additional $100,000 in punitive damages.

Perry was apprehended by the officers after he attempted to remove a window from an abandoned building. After Perry had surrendered, Officer Blood struck him with a weapon, forcing Perry's left eye out of its socket and knocking him unconscious.

During the first of several surgeries, physicians were forced to remove the eye.



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