Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Chi-Town Antifascists attack secrets..again!

After attempting, and almost with success, to mislead enquiring customers, it was confirmed that Suzan M Lenner, a member of the National Socialist Movement(NSM) still works at Secrets (3229 N Clark). As you should expect Chicago Antifascists responded appropriately by launching a cinder block that read "fire suzy"through the glass front door. This is the second time there windows have been smashed adding to the list of attacks including locks being glued shut and there sympathetic manager being pelted with eggs.
Chicago anti fascists and anti-racists continue to ask for a boycott of Secrets and demand that she resign or be fired. We want a written statement of her departure from secrets, but No matter what her work status is we will continue to confront Suzy(and any other Nazis who cross our path) in the streets, on-line and even where she lives at 3144 Boyle Terrace, Apt 4B River Grove, IL 60171-1185



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