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LOCAL News :: Children & Education : Labor : Protest Activity

Wisconsin Solidarity Rally

Chicago Jobs With Justice held a solidarity rally Friday evening to give support to the 40,000 unionists currently protesting severely union-busting legislation in the state capital of Madison.
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Dennis Kosuth, healthcare worker at Stroger Hospital emergency room, formerly worked in Wisconsin. "An attack on public workers is an attack on the public.." he stated.
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Kristine Mayle, Chicago Teachers Union Financial Secretary, gave words of support.
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Across the street from the Daley Plaza, a large screen televised to the public on the breaking news from Madison happening that day.
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Bob Schwartz, retiree, AFSME, Juvenile Court Workers, Probation Worker: “Be careful of politicians who pose as friends of labor - those Wisconsin Democrats wouldn’t have stalled their state legislature by leaving for Illinois without the motivation of the mass movement... Every Chicago mayoral candidate is talking about worker givebacks, but what about Wall Street, which is funding both Republicans and Democrats?... it is important to form our own political movement.”
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Earl Silbar, retiree AFSME and former union steward of City Colleges, Chicago: Mentioned that Wisconsin, especially Madison, has a long activist tradition that goes back to an important time. Silbar was just in Madison, where he attended a meeting of 150 people.  A group of high schoolers were present, who had engaged in a solidarity walkout with 700 other students.  Silbar related that it was amazing to hear the testimony and discussion of those in the room. 
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Two people from ARISE Chicago also attended.  ARISE is a workers’ rights advocacy center. It’s former name was the Chicago Interfaith Committee on Worker Issues, and was founded in 1991.
Friday, February 18 2011

Chicago - Friday evening over one hundred pro-unionists turned out in Chicago’s Daley Plaza to support public union workers in Wisconsin. In a week long tumult over recently elected Republican Governor Scott Walker’s draconian anti-union legislation, popular support for unionists across the state, region, and even globe, have grown exponentially. By Friday over 40,000 protesters turned out in Wisconsin’s capital, Madison, to continue a rally that had occupied the capital building rotunda for two days.

One person at the rally who spoke was Dennis Kosuth. Kosuth, who used to be a nurses aide in Wisconsin, recounted how he would work an overnight and then often be required to work a second shift because of being understaffed. “an attack on public workers is an attack on all”, he stated. “At this time, when there is so much joblessness, we need more services, not less.” Kosuth currently works in the emergency room at Stroger County Hospital.

A group of Chicago Public School teachers were also present, including Chicago Teacher Union Financial Secretary Kristine Mayle. She spoke briefly, “ A lot of our members are in Wisconsin.” An on-line petition was started and can be found at Mayle also noted that IFT Local 504 of Gurnee sent a bus. The Chicago Federation of Labor is also sending a bus on Monday. People interested in riding it can contact CTU Quest Center Coordinator Carol Caref at carolcaref (at)

In a familiar twist of this post-modern society, a large television screen in the square began to broadcast a news sequence of that day’s events in Madison. Like Cairo, the popularity of the opposition had become too big to ignore.



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