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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Send a Note of Protest Against the FBI Raids, and cc your local media

It's very easy: the misnamed Department of Justice's email address is AskDOJ (at)
Here's the note I just sent, and cc'd to the Tribune:

A protest against your recent raids

Dear Mr. Holder:

Even before the FBI's raids on anti-war activists Friday morning, I characterized the Obama administration as "a civil rights disaster" to a reporter who asked for my scorecard on that aspect of this presidency. President Obama, using you as his vehicle, has entrenched all of the worst Executive Branch abuses of the previous administration and worse, given them a "progressive" gloss. Targeted assassinations, no prosecutions of war criminals who authorized torture, no end to Guantanamo, the huge expansion of Guantanamo-like facilities in Afghanistan, no repeal of the PATRIOT Act, the list is seemingly endless.

Having previously done solidarity work with Muslim charities after George W. Bush took similar actions against them following 9-11, I can say that I have seen first-hand the treacherous attacks that these raids are on civil liberties. By destroying organizations through confiscating their equipment, they destroy the concept of free association supposedly enshrined in our 1st Amendment.

It really is no wonder that so many former Obama supporters really don't give a damn who wins in November.

Andy Thayer



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