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Naked Short Lie:Agora Inc.,Lila Rajiva,Walter Block:Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock fraud money launderers to Vancouver...

Aren't you as a Canadian capable of creating your own political party
that at least has no ties to stock fraud,money laundering gold and
mortgage scams of the U.S.Libertarian Party and Republican
'libertarian-in-chief' Ron Paul with his criminal ties to James Dale
Davidson's,Lord William Rees-Mogg's and ex CIA 'economist' Mark
Skousen's Agora Inc crime family ?!
Naked Short Lie:Agora Inc.,Lila Rajiva,Walter Block:Vancouver Libertarian
Paul Geddes brings CIA racist stock fraud money launderers to Vancouver...
Also Loyola U. Fascist Racist Walter Block

Paul Geddes, Vice-President, West Coast Libertarian Foundation, Canada
Walter Block Loyola Jesuit money launderer and biggoted racist
against African-Americans allowed to speak


Libertarians Gone Wild: May Event In Vancouver | LILA RAJIVA: The
...12 Apr 2010 ... Tags: Activism, block, geddes, libertarianism,
poliquin, rajiva, reed, ... but now you'll get more time with Walter
Block, Paul Geddes, ...
Pentagon Shooter,Death In Baltimore:Agora Inc.,Rey Rivera,Porter
Stansberry,James Dale Davidson,Bill Bonner,Lila Rajiva,SEC

What does the Pentagon shooter John Bedell have to do with Ron Paul,
CIA 'economist' Mark Skousen and the con artists and murder suspects
of Agora Inc penny stock 'holding'(and dumping),'company of Baltimore and
the world wide internet ?
They are all connected to and fans of a deceased idiot Austrian 'economist'
named Ludwig Von Mises.As is women's rights denier Ron Paul's former aid
Lew Rockwell who presents himself as a peace and love kind of right wingnut
while hosting the scum of Agora Inc on his 'Misesian' website that
values gold far
above human life......................


The Devil in Goldman Sachs
By Bill Bonner

04/26/10 Baltimore, Maryland – Poor Ol’ Goldman…

''Serious investors should pay no mind to the Goldman story. The Wall
Street firm did the right thing – it helped separate the numbskulls
from their money. And now, the numbskulls are moaning and the SEC is
trying to salvage its reputation by prosecuting Goldman for betting
the right way.'' - Bill Bonner Agora Inc's alledged founder ,Good All
Round Libertarian,Misesian,Agoran Liar,Defrauder and Money Launderer
Agora Inc.'s real founder and 'Vantage Point' editor James Dale
Davidson first promoted the rumor that Genemax and Endovasc penny
stock shares that he pumped and dumped with David Patch of Jag Media
penny stock fraud to launder money and defraud small investors were
really the victims of 'naked short selling' rather than their illegal
pump and dump.Canadian securities criminals and money launderers Grant
Atkins and Brent Peirce worked with Beltway connected Agora Inc and
National Taxpayers Union founder and Steve Forbes' crony James Dale
Davidson as well and headquartered their U.S.-Canadian international
Genemax penny stock fraud in Blaine,Washington that claimed a
University of British Columbi 'cancer vaccine' along with their NAANSS
or National Association Against Naked Short Selling organization and
claimed Genemax with its LOM of Bermuda and other offshore share
dumping and money laundering accounts,was instead a victim of 'naked
short selling' ! There is reason to believe James Dale Davidson,Bill Bonner,
of Agora Inc know something about spreading of the rumor that UK's Northern Rock
as well as Fannie Mae Freddie Mac,even Goldman Savchs shares were naked shorted ,
rumor that even IG H David Kotz and his ex boss and SEC Chairman Christopher Cox lied about
being victims of naked short selling on website before recent disclosure of Goldman's and
John Paulson's conventional(yet illegal) shorting strategy was disclosed.
- Tony Ryals

Dear Paul Geddes,
I was moved to write you via this internt post because perhaps you are
unaware of the shady albeit Beltway or Washington,D.C. connected
individuals you have aligned yourself with ? How many stock share
money launderers who defraud average Americans and Canadians alike in
binational and international stock fraud and money laundering ops do
you encourage to to 'business' in Canada and Vancouver anyway ? You
must know Bill Bonner of thedaillyreckoning.con and his and James Dale
Davidson's and Lord William Rees-Mogg's and Ron Paul's Agora Inc
gold,mortgage and stock fraud ops holds 'business' symposiums every
year in Vancouver as it is without need of you inviting more of his
corrupt gang of Newsmax and Lew Rockwell and CIA connected
'libertarians' and phoney 'Ludwig Von Mises economists' (such as the
racist Jesuit Loyola University professor Walter Block and the
internet Agora Inc liar,apologist and Bill Bonner co-aurthor, Lila
Rajiva),to Vancouver to corrupt it further ! Do you ?!

Aren't you as a Canadian capable of creating your own political party
that at least has no ties to stock fraud,money laundering gold and
mortgage scams of the U.S.Libertarian Party and Republican
'libertarian-in-chief' Ron Paul with his criminal ties to James Dale
Davidson's,Lord William Rees-Mogg's and ex CIA 'economist' Mark
Skousen's Agora Inc crime family ?! And hopefully your party would
oppose rather than condone penny stock fraud and money laundering that
the whole Libertarian Party with its connections to CIA connected
Agora Inc and its Ludwig Von Mises
'economists' with their voodoo economics and 'naked short selling'
lie to distract from their stock fraud pumps and dumps and illegal

''And the programs it supports are usually social-welfare busting.
I’ve also noted connections between Agora and the CIA, including the
employment of former CIA agents, and the appearance of former CIA
director William Casey’s Colby’s name on an Agora newsletter. But it’s
not unheard of for financial newsletters/ tip-sheets to use former
government employees or intelligence officers to ferret out economic
tips.'' - Lila Rajiva

Women's rights denier Ron Paul is part of Agora Inc just as your
guests Lila Rajiva and Loyala University's rascist 'Misesian
economist' Walter Block because he hangs in the same circles as Mark Skousen
and 'libertarian' Bud Burrell who lies and makes death threats because I have
complained to the U.S.SEC for years over his and Patrick Byrne's and James Dale
Davidson's lies about 'naked short selling' or share counterfeiting
causing collapse of their money laundering penny stock pump and dump
scams ! And strangely Pentagon gunman of a while back was a Ludwig Von
Mises fan as well just like Lila Rajiva and Walter Block and all the
Lew Rockwell-Agora Inc gang ! Are you proud to be part of their
frauds against small investors and international money laundering
crime family !?

Northern Rock,GB:Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul Lies About Naked Shorting
by Tony Ryals Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007 at 10:16 PM
endoscam (at) (email address validated)

Dear SEC, I was only beginning to organize my thoughts about the
Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul's statements re SHO to the SEC,(U.S
Securities Exchange Commission),that were only recently posted here.
However no sooner was I getting over the shock that Mr.Ron Paul was
aiding the fraudulent penny stock naked shorting claim of his well
heeled Libertarian pals such as the NTU founder James Dale Davidson,
Porter Stansberry,Bill Bonner,,than 'news' came out of England
that Northern Rock was a victim of 'naked short selling' as

Blaine,Washington and Naked Short Selling Claim Fraud

It should also be noted that this U.S. penny stock scam,(that claims
U.S.penny stocks to be victims of 'naked short selling' or share
counterfeitting),that I have been following for some years,besides
having a Beltway and perhaps NSA or CIA connection by way of the
scumbag James Dale Davidson,founder of Steve Forbes',Grover
Norquist's,'s National Taxpayers Union as well as the internet
penny stock tout or promotion machine Agora Inc of Baltimore - has a
Blaine,Washington connection.In 2002 the office of Genemax with a
supposed University of British Columbia patent for a 'cancer vaccine'
was headquartered in Blaine. The criminals involved included James
Dale Davidson author of scammy 'investment' books with the British
Lord William Rees-Mogg as well as convicted Canadian penny stock
scheiters Brent Pierce and Grant Atkins.

In the same Blaine,Washington office where they promoted the cancer
cure scam Genemax and while they dumped those shares from offshore
accounts such as LOM of Bermuda they also housed their ICI or Investor
Communications Internationsl penny stock promotion op as well as
NAANSS or National Association Againsnt Naked Short Selling that was
used to fraudulentlty claim that Genemax and other scammy penny stocks
they owned or received free shares of were not losing value because
they were selling(dumping)those worthless shares in the U.S. penny
stock 'market' but because someones or brokers or whatever were 'naked
shorting' them.

Because this little episode is part of Blaine little known or unknown
history it is also interesting to note the far right Davidson,founder
of the far right pro Bush 'news' website,newsmax,once supported Bill
Clinton just as he did Republican far right Bush dad,George Herbert
Walker Bush, before that.It was not until later in the Clinton
presidency he turned on Clinton for some reason and led the

Lila Rajiva a presumed native of India(who Jimbo Wales and his
Wikpedia allow to write her own biography that omits all details of
her or its true past writes with crocodile tears about the Abu Graibe
rape of Iraqis and the financial rape of
Americans is part of the 'naked short selling' lie created by her boss
National Taxpayers Union and Agora Inc founder James Dale Davidson who,
along with Canadian penny stock money launderers Grant Atkins and Brent Pierce in
2002 with their NAANSS or National Association
Against Naked Short Selliing located in the same Blaine,Washington
office where they pumped and dumped Genemax,(named for
?).Lila Rajiva has acknowledged Agora Inc.'s and thus Ron
Paul's,'s CIA connections as quoted above.She has also
acknowledged Agora Inc.'s stock fraud operations and connections to
suspicious deaths or murders that includes the mysteriious death of
Agora Inc. and Porter Stansberry employee Rey Rivera in 2006.:

Suicide Or Murder? Evidence Reviewed - Baltimore News Story - WBAL
...16 May 2007 ... Rey Rivera, 32, was an aspiring filmmaker, husband
and former editor of a ... Long-time friend Porter Stansberry brought
Rivera to Agora. ...

Turning Beach Sand Into Gold - The Goldcor Swindle
April 10, 2009

The most interesting part of this little history is that the Royal
Society of Liechtenstein was sold off, changing its name to the Oxford
Club, which has been since then a part of Agora Inc. (Update, April 8,
2010: It merged with a pre-existing newsletter, The Passport Club
(according to Agora’s website).
The Brown death was never seriously investigated, say some SEC
officials, who believe it was a murder.
What’s even more interesting is that Nadel’s Chief Operating Office,
Mark Ford, who was also banned from selling stocks directly as a
result of the settlement with the SEC, changed his name to Michael
Masterson, and followed the Royal Society of Liechtenstein to Agora
Inc., as part of Oxford Club and as a consultant).

(Update, March 8: I notice that the websites of the company as well as
its affiliates have changed and that Masterson is no longer listed on
the website of Oxford Club). - Lila Rajiva

. The above modus operandi described by Lila Rajiva of removing
incriminating material from their websites is common to all
Libertarian - Agora Inc criminals.Ms.Rajiva engages in it herself.
The email below from Lila Rajiva denying that James Dale Davidson was
a (or the) founder of Agora Inc,(that she had removed from the
internet or at least David Marchant’s and the site),clearly shows she is the one who contacted me and lied
about James Dale Davidson not being a founder and no longer being
involved with Agora.In fact this was a ruse of Davidson,Bonner,Porter
Stansberry(who I corresponded with)and their new con artist Lila
Rajiva to try and get me to stop my criticisms of the Agora Inc pump
and dump money laundering operations.

Subject: Re Agora and Davidson
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 00:25:56
Dear Mr. Ryall,
I read with interest your articles on the net regarding Agora
Publishing and the stock ventures of the founder, James Dale Davidson.
However, I was led to believe that Bill Bonner well-known copywriter
and author is the founder. Can you please clarify this as I have had
some dealings with the latter gentleman and am concerned about such
connections. Could it be that you are mistaken in your accusations?
Lila Rajiva

Dear Mr. Ryals:
Thank you for all this information. I will certainly keep it in mind.
I plan to work for Mr. Bonner only in a limited way and with nothing
to do with his stock activities or selling. I am a writer and and
planning on working on a book with him that has nothing to do with
I appreciate this information and do thank you for it. But I am not in
a position to ascertain the truth of it and don’t have the time as
well. I hope that you will be able to recoup your losses. I sincerely
feel for you about that as I suffered similar losses through
unscrupulous individuals.
Kind regards
Lila Rajiva

Lila Rajiva&
lrajiva (at)
To: endoscam (at)
Subject: Re: Re Agora and Davidson
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 02:19:44
Dear Mr. Ryals,
I did speak to Mr. Bonner about Porter Stansberry. He was very
forthcoming and adhered to the position that he was not guilty of any
legal wrong doing, such as pump and dump. He seemed a very open and
sincere individual so I am a bit puzzled.It’s quite possible that some
of his associates are involved things he is not aware of. Or that they
were only inexperienced or needlessly zealous, which was unfortunate,
but may not be illegal. Do let me know if you come across anything

Another penny stock scam artist named Bud Burrell also spread lies
about me on and makes death and torture threats
against me.It is rumored that James Dale Davidson has contributed
money to maintain that website and provided cell phones to its
operators although Overstock.con’s Patrick Byrne takes credit for
funding it.And Patrick Byrne(son of Geico billionaire Jack) gave the
most in campaign donations to ex Utah Gov Jon Huntsman who is now
Barack Obama’s Ambassador to China ! Lila likes to post on their
deepcapture.con website.All their many scam websites are for express
purpose of fraudulently claiming their stock many scams’ share prices
fall because of ‘naked shorting’(by a ‘Sith Lord) according to
Byrne,rather than being illegal pumps and dumps the U.S.SEC does
nothing about.I call it stock share money laundering and NOT ‘naked
shorting’ which is a term James Dale Davidson virtually made up in
2002 when he created NAANSS or National Association Against Naked
Shorting and claimed in his Agora Inc Vantage Point newsletter and
internet cyberfraud promotion that Genemax and Endovasc were not pumps
and dumps but instead had been ‘naked shorted’.Ha.

Below I invoke your fellow 'Libertarian' Bud Burrell's greetings,(he
attended a Libertarian gathering in Arizona with your guest,Loyola
University racist and economic con artist,Walter Block),copyrighted
2008 to you as he will probably not make it to Vancouver for your May
8 shindig.:

PAUL GEDDES:Notorious Basher, NAMBLA member, Serial Pervert, Convicted
Fraud Felon, Confidential Informant
Written by: bburrell
2/22/2008 7:55 PM

AKA Canadian Libertarian Paul Geddes has been rumored to be
everything from a transexual imposter, to a serial pervert and worse,
to a member of NAMBLA (North
American Man Boy Love Association), to a convicted felon, to a roll
Confidential Informant (the USG never met a felon they didn't love if
he was a roll), and far worse. These many malicious and vicious
rumors are unfortunate even if proven not precisely or completely
true. That is no different than his stories.

He/She slanders with the rough and unhewn skills of a second rate
tabloid journalist, without regard to who he/she harms, and certainly
without resort to facts. He/She should be working with The New York
Times. He/She isn't worthy of a good glass of piss, but no one ever
gets to tell him/her to his/her face, because, surprise, surprise,
he/she is never seen.

I know many would love to have very rough conversation (look up this
in a dictionary) with him/her over about a week, or a month, but it
would be a waste of time in any event. Besides, it would be too much
fun, very undisciplined.

Someday in the future, his/her veil will be ripped away, and the enemy
predators can feed on his/her liver. That would be more fun than a
barrel of monkeys to watch. The clock ticks every moment on this dirt
bag's very existence.

There will be no universality to this outcome. No one will mourn his
loss. John Donne will be damned.

Years ago, I developed a little Buddhist displacement concept called
"My Short List". Being a rather high risk bet for an untimely death,
I took the names of the small number of people I have found to be
without redeeming human virtue, to be used in the last few weeks of my
time, with the plan to send some scouts on ahead to check out the
terrain. Of the nine men and one woman on that list, only two
survive. I can't claim credit for this, since God has beaten me to
them. It is the nature of the physical risks faced by all really
negative borderline sociopaths (the 1% that are so broken they can't
be fixed) that their own bodies tend to turn on them very hard.

Enjoy your perversions while you can. The clock is ticking on your
worthless existence. You have chosen the worst enemy of all, God.
You can't win. Where you are headed, they don't read wills.

Ms. Paul, With hugs and kisses from all your admirers and detractors, ESAD.

Everyone re-post this link as many places as you can. It is the key
to good search engine positioning/standing and we certainly want to
get to the empty bottom of this barrel of waste that represents Burrell'

Copyright ©2008 Bud Burrell

Besides being a 'Libertarian' like yourself,Mr.Geddes,Bud Burrell has
also has some Canada stock fraud and money laundering experience by
way of CMKX Diamonds that he also claims was not an illegal pump and
dump but a 'victim off naked short selling' just like James Dale
Davidson's,Brent Pierce's and Grant Atkins Genemax cancer vaccine
fraud with its Nevada and Vancouver connections !

A Tribute to the Writers of | Facebook
... Gary North, Bill Anderson, Walter Block, Tom DiLorenzo, Michael
Rozeff, ... Bob Murphy, George Reisman, Bill Bonner, Lila Rajiva,
Stephan Kinsella, ...

Naked Shorts:Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes brings Agora Inc stock
fraud money launderers to Vancouver,Also Loyola Jesuit Fascist Racist
Walter Block

Example of the Lila Rajiva-Agora Inc and Loyala 'Messesian economist'
Walter Block connection to Clarence Austin Bud Burrell
who lies and threatens to murder and torture me from that promotes National Taxpayers Union
and Agora Inc founder James Dale Davidson's and his Canadian penny
stock money laundering accomplises' Grant Atkins and Brent Pierce's
lie and made up term 'naked short selling'.T
Example of Lila Rajiva and her wingnut pro stock fraud 'audience':

Time to Run

June 6, 2009

My latest piece, “Time to Run”, at Lew Rockwell:

“Is it time to run?

That’s what I’ve been asking myself for three years now.......

It’s time to run, not hide......
Daniel said...

Subject: run where?
From: Daniel
Date: Sat, June 6, 2009 2:24 am
To: lilarajiva (at)

dear lila

I have followed bill bonner and lew rockwell’s sites among others for over
a decade now as well as being raised by a father who was involved with
the patriot movement in california during the 70’s. My father was a
john bircher, as well as YHPA (your heritage protection assoc), as
well as a student of the Barristers Inn a group dedicated to
constitutional and common law. So i feel that i am quite familliar
with all of the major crises we are
facing today....


Better Than the Winter Olympics: Lila Rajiva and Walter Block in ...
24 Mar 2010 by Robert Wenzel
Walter Block reports:On Saturday, May 8, an all day libertarian
seminar will take place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (home
of the winter Olympics, where the Canadians kicked American butt, at
least on a per capita basis). ...

In light of CIA connected money launderers and parasites Walter Block
and by association Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes cavort with I
certainly don't think criticising blacks and women for 'poor work
productivity' is even tolerable.It would appear that Walter Block and
by association Paul Geddes are saying that 'fraud is good work' in
light of the fact all the white males they are associated with that I
know about are penny stock money launderers and in some cases murder
suspects !

Note below that Lila Rajiva,Agora Inc internet call girl or woman or
whatever for Bill Bonner,James Dale Davidson,Porter
Stansberry,,claims to have met corrupt Wall Street parasite and
'journailst' Gary Weiss 'on the message boards that he haunted' ! And
she doesn't name the 'message board' of course because it is not
supposed to be a simple 'message board' as such - it is Wikipedia
where she and 'Mantamoreland' or Gary Weiss were busy erasing my
biographical contribution for James Dale Davidson who along with
Canadian criminals Brent Pierce and Grant Atkins made up the tem
'naked shhort selling' to distract from their use of U.S.penny stocks
for theft and money laundering ! And it should further be addded that
Lila Rajiva is a habitual liar and is the one who began the 'stalking'
of me(even though her 'libertarian' naked short liar colleagueBud Burrell
posts lies and death threats to me with Lila's obvious approval)
by emailing me about my claim the her bosses at Agora Inc were
involved in serious multi million or billion dollar stock fraud
ongoing for decades since they founded Agora Inc that employs Lila
Rajiva to stalk and harrass victims of their scams such as myself and
basically perform internet dirty tricks just as her pal Judd Bagley
did for Jeb Bush while he was governor of the corrupt penny stock
money laundering state of Florida ! In fact the scum of of Patrick Byrne,ex WSJ 'reporter' Mark Mitchell,Bud
Burrell Daviud Patch,Mark Faulk, have threatened my life and
intimidated me and Lila Rajiva whose 'friends' at Agora Inc Bill
Bonner,James Dale Davidson and particularly Porter Stansberry, are
still suspect in the death of a Rey Rivera in Baltimore in 2006 were
the first internet stock manipulators on the internet besides NAANSS
or National Association Against Naked Short Selling that was founded
by Agora Inc founder James Dale Davidson and the Canadian money
launderers Brent Pierce and Grant Atkins - to lie about Davidson's
wortjhless penny stocks being victims of 'naked short selling' ! So
the fact that Lila Rajiva is employed by the very criminals who
threaten my life for exposing the penny stock money laundering frauds
such as Bud Burrell
who is also part of the Canadian minerals penny fraud incorporated in
Nevada called CMKX Diamonds that has lied about its shares being
'naked shorted' while its insiders and execs such as Canadian shesiter
named Urban Casavant,Mark Faulk,Bud Burrell all lied about its shares
being 'naked shorted' - a term that can be trced back to the CIA
connected Agora Inc and James Dale Davidson that Canadian scum like
Paul Geddes invites to Canada as if they were common good businessmen
- which they are not - they are U.S.and apparently Canadian government
protected criminals ! Yes the Agora Inc and Loyola sleaze Geddes
invites to Vancouver also have CIA,etc. connections as Lila Rajiva and
ex CIA 'economist' Mark Skousen can verify !

Even Paul Geddes American 'Libertarian' role model Ron Paul has lied
about stocks being 'naked shorted' to the U.S.SEC itself ! Does
Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes approve of stock fraud and rascism
directed at African Americans the way Loyola University's Walter Block
attacked and defamed them !? And all the while the parasite Walter
Block sitting in his Loyala academic ivory tower in New Orleans and
Baltimore(where and Ludwig Von Mises and Lew Rockwell Agora Inc
criminals operate from)


James Gill: Loyola economics chair Walter Block ignites furor for
asserting that women, blacks less productive in workplace
By Annette Sisco
November 26, 2008, 2:54AM young man asked about the pay gap between blacks and whites,
which I had said in my lecture was of about the same magnitude as that
between females and males, about 25–30%. My answer, of course, was in
terms of lower productivity. After all, if black people had the same
productivity as white people on average, but were paid less, then
there would be profit opportunities available to all those who hired
blacks and fired whites, and such a situation could never last.

But why was this so: Why, that is, would this minority group have
lower productivity than the majority? Surely, it couldn’t be
attributed to marriage asymmetry? No, I replied. And here I was very
careful to say that the cause was a matter of dispute, and that I, as
an economist, was not in a position to say which was correct. Instead,
I would merely offer both options, and call for the audience to make
up its own mind on this issue. The politically correct answer is that
lower black productivity is due to slavery, Jim Crow legislation, poor
treatment of African-Americans in terms of schooling, etc. The
politically incorrect explanation was supplied by Richard Herrnstein
and Charles Murray in their book The Bell Curve: lower black IQs.-
quote ftom Walter Block who is Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes guest
of honor even though he appears to have relations with notorious Agora
Inc penny stock money launderers and mortgage and gold fraud


As you can see from link to
below or simply by doing a google search ‘tony ryals porter
stansberry’ that I have been denouncing Agora Inc for years and as you
can see Rey Rivera’s ‘friend’ and employer Porter Stansberry invited
me to visit Agora Inc. and Baltimore in 2005.
Uh,I guess I was wise or lucky to turn down this generous Baltimore
I was NOT so lucky as to avoid Jim or James Dale Davidson’s internet
stock fraud however which is how I became involved with them and
correspond with both Porter Stansberry and Bill Bonner’s co-author
Lila Rajiva in the first place.I have no doubt whatsoever that they
are SEC and U.S.government connected and protected ‘securities’ and
penny stock criminals in the first place and I have suspected worse.
Another unexplained death at least to me is John Berthoud who was
James Dale Davidson’s and Steve Forbes replacement as president of the
National Taxpayers Union who the NTU employees found ‘in peace’ at his
residence in the Beltway a while back.Davidson ‘coincidentally’ used
the NTU office near SEC main headquarters in Alexandria,Virginia
around the time of Berhoud’s death as well as his Fox News connected
newsmax.con website to promote a fraud called a worthless penny stock
called Pluristem with both Israeli and Carlyle or Frank Carlucci
(suspect in death of Patrice Lumumba in the Congo around time
of Kennedy assassination)connections.That scam claims to use stem
cells from placentas for medicine but I suspect this fraud that
launders money through Leumi Bank,Israel funds more devious causes
with money it bilks mainly from American investors.
Also I only recently discovered another of Agora Inc.’s,Bill
Bonner’s,James Dale Davidson’s,Porter Stansberry’s,Lord William
Rees-Mogg’s,Mark Skousen’s ,’s many sham ‘companies’ called
Oxford Club was originally called Goldcor and lured potential
investors-suckers to Costa Rica to defraud them with lies about
turning black Costa Rican beach sand to gold !

I briefly quote and provide link from Bill Bonner’s Baltimore
co-author Lila Rajiva herself who wrote an article about her
employers’ Goldcor connection and the strange ‘suicide’ of Goldcor
President Richard Brown who was found with a bullet in his head in
November 1991 as Goldcor began to unravel.

I have received death threats from a Mr.Bud Burrell who is associated
with Patrick Byrne’s and lies like Davidson did about
stocks being ‘naked shorted’,a term Davidson virtuallly made up in
2002 to explain why shares his illegal penny stock pumps and dumps
Endovasc and Genemax had fallen to abruptly in price. Jim Davidson
created NAANSS or National Association Against Naked Short Selling and
operated it out of his Genemax office in Blaine, Washington at the
time while using his Agora Inc Vantage Point website to lie about
Genemax and Endovasc being victims of ‘naked short selling’.. Byrne
later hired ex Utah SEC attorney Brent Baker(now representing a
Stanford hedge fund crook) who removed all charges against Davidson
and Porter Stansberry for Endovasc and Genemax frauds before leaving
the SEC.
It should also be stated that James Dale Davidson was involved with
the George Herbert Walker and Ronald Reagan regimes and gave money to
Bill Clinton before turning on him and accusing him of killing his
childhood friend Vice Foster.Mark Skousen of Agora and Heritage
Foundation and Columbia University brags of having been a CIA
I wonder why Lila Rajiva never mentioned the death of her Agora Inc
colleague on her blog ?

Agora Inc., Bill Bonner , Porter Stansberry , Jim Davidson and fraud

* Tony Ryals

Date Created

* 03 Nov 2005

Below is my recent email correspondence with Porter Stansberry of
Agora Inc.’s Baltimore headquaters who pretends ‘James Dale DAVIDSON
don’t work here no more’.Lies and deception from Agora Inc.whose
business is lies and deception, in my opinion.Again both Bill Bonner
and ‘James Dale’ or ‘Jim’ Davidson have claimed to be sole founder of
Agora Inc.,without either confronting each other for the other’s lie.

—– Original Message —–
From: “Porter Stansberry”
Subject: Jim Davidson
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 20:06:22 -0600

Tony –

A friend recently emailed me a copy of your online tirade against JD.
I don’t know what he did to you…though I can imagine…

But, your presumption that I am an associate of Jim’s is entirely
false. It is true that Jim was a founder of Agora in the late 1970s.
But he quickly sold the majority of his interest to Bill Bonner. Jim
has no ownership stake in Agora and Agora no longer publishes his
newsletter. While Jim used to be an editor, he was never a colleague
of mine; we worked in totally separate divisions, which were owned and
managed as completely separate business units. In fact, since I have
been part of Agora (1996) I’ve never worked on any project or had any
involvement whatsoever in of Jim’s publications or business ventures.

Frankly, I have serious doubts about his integrity and honesty and I
was glad when Agora decided to stop publishing his newsletter.

If you would like to know more about Agora (which is a large holding
company with many operating groups, one of which I control) or more
about the SEC case I am involved with (which has nothing to do with
short selling or pumping and dumping) I would be happy to meet with
you in my office in Baltimore.



Hyperinflation for sale: Newsmax and Dick Morris cash in on anti-Obama
rhetoricRead the Full Article
Posted by Truth On April - 26 - 2010
.... in a video
posted on the website, James Dale Davidson claimed that “supposed improvements”
to the economy were a “hoax” that was “faked by the government,”
adding that “the whole
administration is based upon one lie after another.”

James Dale Davidson, a Financial
Intelligence Report columnist and an original investor in Newsmax who
has been on the Newsmax board
of directors, disparaged the
government’s economic as “statistical

Davidson went on to
say of the Obama administration’s report of “jobs saved” due to the stimulus
package: “It’s a lie. It’s a lie. That’s the basic thing. You remember
Congressman Wilson, in a speech in September when Obama was talking to Congress,
jumped up and said, ‘you lie.’ ...

Buy gold because “the dollar is cooked,” warns
of Wiemar-style
hyperinflation. In a February 16 video posted on the website,
Davidson said:

think gold is basically an investment that you have to have in your portfolio,
unfortunately, because I think the dollar is cooked. I mean, we have gone
through a policy in this country that puts our fiscal ratios worse than the
Republic was before they
had hyperinflation...........

The truth is that James Dale Davidson and Agora Inc with its Lew
Rockwell and Ron Paul Libertarian connections are greatly responsible
for the loss of U.S.dollars to innumerable anonymous and not so
anonymous offshore accounts through what I term 'stock share money
laundering' and if not all Libertarians are involved in stock fraud
money laundering certainly all are responsible for what Agora Inc
,Bill Bonner,Lorrd William Rees-Mogg,James Dale Davidson,CIA
'economist and like Walter Block a 'Misesian' - do in your name.

In 2007 a rumor was circulated in the London Times(of Rupert Murdoch
and Lord William Rees-Mogg),as well as The Guardian that Nothern Rock
shares were really 'naked shorted' or counterfeitedd by some unnamed
or unknown entity in order to cover up the Goldam Sachs and John
Paulson and others roles in manipulating and shorting the stock
themselves.Yes I believe the Agora Inc Libertarians and Misesiand
played a role however humble themselves.Some of their shares of Fannie
Mae or Freddie Mac may have been dumped from LOM of Bermuda where the
Lord Willian Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson were large shareholders
at one time.Also movemments or sales from Leumi Bank Israel to China
Switzerland and places in between should be investigated.
But we must never forget where this ruumor-lie originated - with
Canadian American penny stock Genemax of James Dale Davidson and
Canadian scheisters Brent Pierce and Grant Atkins ! Do they as
Canadians have U.S. 'intelligence' connections as well in order to
always escape prosecution ?

Note the corrupt SEC Inspector General H David Kotz who was appointed
by corrupt ex SEC Chairman Christopher Cox both have lied on the
public record about Goldman Sachs shares being 'naked shorted' by some
unknown brokerage or whatever in 2008 on the U.S.government's own website ! If the shares that were dumped by Goldman and no
doubt others in this criminal racketeering operation using offshore
accounts to dump from had been 'naked shorts' or
'counterfeit shares',a definition the con artists all agee on to
describe what they call 'naked short selling',then the shares that
were counterfeit would be noticed by the DTCC and they would not be
paid a dividend !

This naked short selling lie is a trillion dollar fraud that members
of your Libertarian Party are responsible for.And Agora Inc with its
CIA connections is supect in murder as well.Are you proud,Paul Geddes


Naked Short Lie:Agora Inc.,Lila Rajiva,Walter Block:Vancouver Libertarian
Paul Geddes brings CIA stock fraud money launderers,Racism to Vancouver
Also Loyola U. Fascist Racist
Walter Block

Lila Rajiva defends Agora Inc stock,gold and oil promoter con artist and murder suspect Porter Stanberry

More Agora - Updated 3/6/2010- Stansberry Response/SEC
March 1, 2010

Agora Financial publishes a journal called The Daily Reckoning, editor
Addison Wiggin, featuring contributions from ’staff’ such as Lew
Rockwell (, Gerald Celente (Trends Research) and Dr.
Ron Paul (US Congress)
This group, and the extended arms of Agora, advocate nation-building
investments in developing countries that often include international
projects funded by US taxpayers....

“Notorious for promoting Penny Stock fraud”

(Lila: Not to defend Agora, but it promotes penny-stock and many
other investments, not all of which are fraudulent by any means,
unless you count any promotion of stocks to be fraudulent. Most
penny-stocks in tip-sheets, frankly, are promoted in questionable
ways. For that matter, a large proportion of investments of any kind,
even in mainstream publications, are promoted quite questionably.
Check out the government/real estate industry promotion of the housing
bubble, if you disbelieve me).

“and supporting an offshore investment network, Agora has a core
membership of world-traveling Libertarians who have connections at the
highest levels of government and industry.

Through the illegal practice of naked short-selling, domestic Agorans
function as “economic hitmen” and support “sovereign” enterprizes of
all descriptions that move national and personal resources overseas to
emerging markets.”

(Lila: This seems to be some kind of populist nonsense. Who exactly
are “domestic Agorans” and how do they function as “economic hitmen”?
I’ve never heard of naked short-selling in conjunction with Agora, but
it’s certainly true that penny-stock promoters often work with naked
short-sellers, through off-shore havens and exchanges like Vancouver.
I know financial reporter Carol Remond has written on this, in
relation to some Agora newsletters, and I’ll try to unearth the link.
However, I’ve never heard any one at Agora encouraging the moving of
“national resources” overseas….unless you include pointing out that
employers will go where labor is cheap…..or suggesting diversification

“The primary operatives of Agora pose as financial experts and
advisors, selling information over the internet that targets a variety
of consumer interests including “natural health”, real estate, travel
and leisure. Agora counts George Soros and known Rothschild agents
among its “friends” as well as American “patriots” and “truthtellers”.

(March 6, 2010): See above for research by EIR/William Engdahl)

Never heard that Soros was a friend. Jim Rogers, Steve Forbes, and
Marc Faber are.

As a right libertarian outfit, Agora and its original founder/s would
likely not be terribly sympathetic to a pro-regulation, pro-one world
government, mega currency speculator like Soros. It’s possible that
one or other faction within the outfit might sympathize with Soros,
but they would likely be more liberal-left in their political leanings
than the outfit).........
nd, darn. “Rothschild agents”? That sounds exciting. - Lila Rajiva

Naked Shorts:Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes brings Agora Inc stock
fraud money launderers to Vancouver,Also Loyola U. Fascist Racist
Walter Block


Note Lila Rajiva contacts me again in 2008 and continues lie about James Dale Davidson's non involement in Agora Inc which he founded and that his co-author UK's Lord William Rees-Mogg of Sovereign Individual and Blood in the Streets,etc, is still part of Agora Inc stock fraud against Americans ops and money laundering as well.

Re: BFI Consulting,Mark Skousen,Lila Rajiva
By Lila Rajiva on 1/30/2008 1:20:04 PM
E-mail: lrajiva (at)
Hi Tony,
Yes I did say I wouldn't be involved in Agora's stock selling in 2005.
And guess, what. It's 2008 and I haven't been. I have never sold a
single stock for them.
As for Jim Davidson, I believe his association with Agora has been
terminated for some years and no one there defends him. The investment
advice that I've read in the Agora newsletters that I've followed has
been basically useful - and provided at very reasonable terms. Too bad
I haven't always followed it.
Do I have a problem with some of their "hard sell" language? Yes, I
do. And I expressed it to several people there quite vociferously and
incessantly. I think some of them became quite bored and annoyed with
me over it.
But not all of their advisories use those tactics. Many are quite
low-key and all of them do give you your money back.
In any case, the company is very free-wheeling and there are lots of
very different people doing very different things.
I decided at the time that it was unfair to tar everyone with the
mistakes of a few and chose to work on Mr. Bonner's Daily Reckoning
column as an idea person, research assistant, and editor from late
2005- mid 2007. And to write a book with him.
I decided that the good of bringing some political home truths to
people in the influential financial world far outweighed the bad of
possibly having people like yourself leap to wrong conclusions. In an
important election year, that was actually a no-brainer for me.
How is that wrong?
In 2005, when Mr. Bonner approached me about the book, he did indeed
intend it to be a pop sociology book and not financial. And most of
the book, even in its finished version, is about politics and history.
We added a financial and investment section later mainly because the
publisher needed that to sell the book, since finance is the field
where Mr. Bonner is best-known.
Besides, the investment advice Mr. Bonner gave in the book was
extremely general. Not was it necessarily what I think. In a joint
effort, it's not possible to always agree on all things. I think I
mention that in the preface to the book.
Funny thing is if you had followed his advice over the last couple of
years, you'd have doubled your money...
FYI, here's an account of how the book was written:
As for my qualifications, you're wrong there too. I have an
undergraduate degree in economics and history and did graduate work in
International Relations (MA)- where I read a healthy quantity of
economics. I currently contribute to the whackonomics column of the
Hindu, which, if you've ever read it, answers questions on finance and
economics from people in the field. I have also studied the market and
trading on my own for seven years. I think I can hold my own in
understanding how finance works in the real world. In any case, if you
read our book, you will see a large part of it is a debunking of the
notion of economics as a science like physics. We think a knowledge of
history and human psychology is more important. Since I have graduate
training in history, politics, and philosophy, I'm pretty well
qualified I think.
By the way, the year before I wrote the book about Abu Ghraib, I was
making (trying to make) my living as a swing my interest
in finance is quite long standing and preceded my social activism. I
see no conflict between the two, actually.
On your other accusations:
I was invited to speak at BFI Consulting's conference to promote
"Mobs, Messiahs and Markets." I wasn't going to talk about investments
but about how governments destroy savings. Had I chosen to speak about
anything to do with investment, it would have been about the global
real estate market, which I know quite well.
As for Dr.Mark Skousen, I have never met him personally, but he was
kind enough to blurb our book and point out errors in the MS. I owe
him gratitude at least for that. From what I know, he is an erudite
and accomplished author/teacher in the areas of economics and
I am also aware that he has worked with the CIA, but that is all I
know and I don't think you are right to draw any conclusions about me
from that. I hope you are not naive enough to believe that everyone
connected with the CIA routinely engages in water boarding on
weekends. It's a large, mostly bureaucratic organization.
The fact that I might have accepted an invitation to speak at the same
conference where Dr. Skousen was also speaking says nothing. I also
correspond with an Indian friend of (the late) Milton Friedman. I
suppose you would say that makes me complicit in South American
torture, as Naomi Klein seems to think. Actually, I consider Dr.
Friedman a statist and far from being libertarian. but I doubt that
even statist economics inevitably leads to a painful death.
Finally, my birth data is not on the Internet, because I don't give it
out. Put it down to the fragile egos of women over the age of thirty.
If there's anything else you'd like to know, please feel free to drop
me an email, instead of taking it to an Internet web page.

Kind regards.
Lila Rajiva

The most interesting part of this little history is that the Royal
Society of Liechtenstein was sold off, changing its name to the Oxford
Club, which has been since then a part of Agora Inc.

The Brown death was never seriously investigated, say some SEC
officials, who believe it was a murder.

What’s even more interesting is that Nadel’s Chief Operating Office,
Mark Ford, who was also banned from selling stocks directly as a
result of the settlement with the SEC, changed his name to Michael
Masterson, and followed the Royal Society of Liechtenstein to Agora
Inc., as part of Oxford Club and as a consultant.).
-Lila Rajiva

Comment by Tony Ryals — March 22, 2010 @ 8:42 pm | Reply


Many know,but most don't,that Vancouver has been infamous over the
decades for foistering and encouraging a U.S.penny stock mafia and
underworld who more often incorporate their money laundering companies
in Nevada but use Canada and Vancouver as a safe haven for promoting
and dumping many of their worthless shares from and unto
inexperienced U.S. investors who couldn't imagine either the U.S.or
the Canadian government aiding and abetting such vicious criminal
activities targeting its own citizens ! And now Vancouver
'Libertarian' Paul Geddes knowingly invites Agora Inc and Loyola
University scum and parasites to Vancouver as role models of what a
'good libertarian' should be !
As recently as 2007 U.S.Libertarian political leader Ron Paul lied
about stocks being 'naked shorted' or naked short sold - a term that
the idiot Austrian economist' Ludwig Von Mises who the Loyala racist
Walter Block pretends to represent,certainly died never having heard
of 'naked sghort selling' because Libertarian and Lew Rockwell-ian
criminals and money launderers who made up ther term - particularly
National Taxpayers Union and Agora Inc founder James Dale Davidson
and his Canadian partners in penny sdtock crimes Grant Atkins and
Btrnt Pierce made up the term to distract from their Vancouver UBC
connected Genemax biotech penny stock fraud(incorporated in Nevada of
course) ,that claimed to have developed a cancer vaccine at the
Univerity of British Columbia !

Canadian-U.S. penny stock fraud money laundering op and Bud Burrell
lie about shares being 'naked shorted'.James Dale Davidson who ran his
Antioch Minerals mining fraud on Toronto exchange began the lie about
penny stocks being 'naked shorted' in order to distract from his UBC
cancer vaccine fraud caled Genemax............

Bud Burrell's Front and Center
CMKX: 465 Billion Shares in with a 2500 fax Backlog in the Owner's Group Box.
Written by: bburrell
3/15/2006 7:17 PM
The number keeps building. There are just under 466 Billion shares in
the box so far at the counsel to the owners group, with an estimated
28% of shareholders in. There are over 2500 faxes of additional
shares yet to be processed in the current backlog. Conservatively,
let's hear it for 1.5 Trillion shares in total on an outstanding
issued number of 100 Billion!
Perhaps Madame LeFarge will handle the insatiable monster with one
tooth if it can hopefully be brought back. Better yet, let's let the
Red Mafiya handle the collections, backed up by the Mossad. We will
get back more than was stolen if either unit handles the collections
in their own inimitable fashion.
I was once questioned about the wisdom of getting familiar with the
shareholders of CMKX. I was right and the questioners were wrong.
One crime doesn't excuse another. There may have been really
disreputable behavior by management, but that doesn't excuse the
conduct of the criminal naked short sellers. If this short breaks the
back of the entire situation, which it could by itself, then every
person who has been victimized owes them a debt of gratitude.
The twit at the SEC who came up with the concept of using the shorts
as "Unregulated Policemen" should go to the head of the future
headless line. It is doubtful that person is still at the SEC.
He/She sounds like a political appointment, not a career civil
servant, most certainly an attorney. For the latter status, maybe we
can figure out a way to execute them twice.
I hope the CMKX shareholders' Owner's Group holds a mass rally in DC
when they get their settlement, right outside the Congress. Headings
for the signs they should carry will be easy to come up with.

Speakers « Freedom Summit 09
Mr. Bud Burrell has extensive experience working with major brokerage
firms on the ..... Walter Block earned his PhD in Economics at
Columbia University. ...
Seminar in Vancouver « Blog
2 days ago by Walter Block
... Paul Geddes, President of the Greater Vancouver Libertarian
Association; and Lila Rajiva, author of The Language of Empire and the
bestselling Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets, which she co-authored with
Bill Bonner. ...
Michael Milken, 60000 Deaths, and the Story of Dendreon (Chapter 1 ...
90 posts - 56 authors - Last post: 26 Feb
Since we know that Dendreon experienced naked short selling, ......
True leaders, like Patrick Byrne, Bud Burrell, Ron Paul, ..... Social
Media Machinations From the Liberals | LILA RAJIVA: The Mind-Body
Politic says: ...

A Tribute to the Writers of | Facebook
... Gary North, Bill Anderson, Walter Block, Tom DiLorenzo, Michael
Rozeff, ... Bob Murphy, George Reisman, Bill Bonner, Lila Rajiva,
Stephan Kinsella, ...

Naked Shorts:Vancouver Libertarian Paul Geddes brings Agora Inc stock
fraud money launderers to Vancouver,Also Loyola Jesuit Fascist Racist
Walter Block

Example of the Lila Rajiva-Agora Inc and Loyala 'Messesian economist'
Walter Block connection to Clarence Austin Bud Burrell
who lies and threatens to murder and torture me from that promotes National Taxpayers Union
and Agora Inc founder James Dale Davidson's and his Canadian penny
stock money laundering accomplises' Grant Atkins and Brent Pierce's
lie and made up term 'naked short selling'.T
Example of Lila Rajiva and her wingnut pro stock fraud 'audience':

Time to Run

June 6, 2009

My latest piece, “Time to Run”, at Lew Rockwell:

“Is it time to run?

That’s what I’ve been asking myself for three years now.......

It’s time to run, not hide.
I mean that. We’re in the throes of an economic collapse of a kind
last seen in the 1930s. The government is intent on grabbing control
of whatever it can. American firms are dropping like flies.
Unemployment is soaring. Debt is soaring. The money supply is soaring.
Our foreign policy is a wreck – we have more enemies than we can
count. We have a drug war on the borders, we have gang war in the
ghettos, we have culture wars in the academy and media.........
We have criminals in government.
The future isn’t any brighter. Subprime is only the first leg
down. We still have a second wave of housing trouble in store,
centering around commercial real estate and option ARM loans.

Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research, wrote a piece last
year predicting that by 2012 there would be food riots, tax rebellion,
and revolution across the country. Celente has a good track record in
the forecasting business.

Daniel said...

Subject: run where?
From: Daniel
Date: Sat, June 6, 2009 2:24 am
To: lilarajiva (at)

dear lila

I have followed bill bonner and lew rockwell’s sites among others for over
a decade now as well as being raised by a father who was involved with
the patriot
movement in california during the 70’s. My father was a john bircher, as well as
YHPA (your heritage protection assoc), as well as a student of the
Barristers Inn a
group dedicated to constitutional and common law. So i feel that i am quite
familliar with all of the major crises we are facing today.



Agora Inc., Bill Bonner , Porter Stansberry , Jim Davidson and fraud

SEC LIES' Agora Inc's James Dale Davidson
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2005 16:40:55 -0500

"In this respect, it is suggestive that the SEC apparently leaked its
complaint about Agora to Remond, who cooperated by writing a story
trumpeting the SEC's effort to discredit me and these good companies."
- James Dale Davidson

"It appears that the naked short-sellers who have counterfeited
millions of GeneMax shares in an attempt to destroy the company have
enlisted powerful help." James Dale Davidson

Dear Vantage Point Investor,

You may be as startled and upset as I am by the sudden collapse in the
price of GeneMax (GMXX), which has tumbled in the last nine trading
days. The question is, why? I can't pretend that I fully understand
the answer. But I have a disturbing guess. It appears that the naked
short-sellers who have counterfeited millions of GeneMax shares in an
attempt to destroy the company have enlisted
powerful help.

In theory, the Securities and Exchange Commission is a regulatory body
charged with maintaining the integrity of public securities markets in
the United States. In reality, the SEC is like any other government
agency. It responds to powerful entrenched interests. It abhors bad
publicity, rewards its friends and punishes its critics.

Unhappily, the SEC also lies. I know because the SEC field office in
Utah has lied about me. And I suspect that these lies are the
culmination of a carefully laid plan to discredit GeneMax and punish
the company for raising troublesome issues about naked short selling,
which has also embarrassed the SEC.

If you have been a subscriber to Vantage Point for any length of
time, you are no doubt aware that I am a critic of "electronic
counterfeiting," the process by which some investment banks, market
makers and broker-dealers drive down the prices of Nasdaq Bulletin
Board companies by selling unlimited quantities of shares they don't
own. Since stock prices are determined by supply and demand,
allowing unlimited counterfeiting of stock essentially guarantees that
the stock becomes worthless.

Of course, a company whose shares are worthless won't last long. It is
unable to raise money if its stock is worthless. All too often, such
small companies are driven into oblivion by electronic counterfeiting.
When we are slogging along with a weak economy, I consider it almost
criminal negligence that the government would permit investment banks,
market makers and broker-dealers to weaken the economy further by
destroying small companies that could otherwise be a major fountain of

Why would the government let this happen? I don't think it is
necessarily a Grand Conspiracy with a capital "G." But the bad guys
have managed to control most of the news about "electronic
counterfeiting." And perversely, they also seem to have the regulators
on their side.

I had a painful lesson in this reality at the beginning of this week
when I learned to my astonishment that the Utah office of the SEC had
tarnished my name by accusing me of failing to disclose an interest in
two investments that I recommended in Vantage Point Investment
Advisory. Their exact charge is as follows:

"Among the issuers promoted in this manner have been GeneMax Corp. and
Endovasc Ltd., Inc. DAVIDSON is an officer, director and,indirectly, a
substantial shareholder of these two issuers. Neither the soliciting
e-mail nor the subsequent company report discloses DAVIDSON's
relationship to the companies."

This is total rubbish. I deny any impropriety. Indeed, the charges are
remote from the facts.

As you will know if you subscribed to Vantage Point last summer, I
fully disclosed my role as a founder, director and officer of GeneMax
when I recommended the company and its promising treatment for cancer.
And I also disclosed a special relationship with Endovasc. I am not an
officer or director of Endovasc. I have a few shares that I received
in exchange for assigning my rights in what could be a valuable patent
to the company.

To be sure that I wasn't missing something, I had my attorney review
the record. He concluded that my disclosures are complete: "I spent
this afternoon reviewing Agora marketing copy for Vantage Point and
the newsletters and have verified that the charge that
you failed to disclose your personal interest in GeneMax is completely
false." Agora will be filing a motion to dismiss the SEC's baseless

I fail to see how anyone of good faith who reviewed the record
could possibly construe it as the SEC apparently has. Although I can't
prove it, I have concluded that the SEC, or at least some of its
personnel, were more offended by my criticism of electronic
counterfeiting than they are by the abuse itself -- which causes you
and other investors hundreds of billions in losses. In fact, the costs
of electronic counterfeiting are much higher than those
entailed in the accounting scandals which have garnered so much
attention. Nonetheless, instead of correcting these abuses, the SEC
has gone out of its way to rope me into a doubtful complaint that they
have developed against another Agora publication -- a product to which
I have no connection other than a passive one as a minority
shareholder in Agora.

Nor do I take it to be entirely a coincidence that while I have
recommended more than 30 investments in Vantage Point over the past 16
months, my reputation is being tarred in respect to just two
companies, GeneMax and Endovasc. These two companies have one thing in
common, in addition to the fact that both have promising medical
innovations that could ease much suffering and save many lives. Both
have been at the forefront of legal action to combat the abuse
of electronic counterfeiting of their shares. But these efforts have
hardly earned them the friends they should. Rather than garnering
applause, their efforts to confront the abuse of electronic
counterfeiting of their shares has made both companies the focus of
negative publicity.

In particular, one writer, Carol S. Remond, undertook to paint a
negative picture of both companies, publishing what bordered on
outright lies. For some reason known only to others, the SEC appears
to have adopted Remond's text in defense of the electronic
counterfeiters. In this respect, it is suggestive that the SEC
apparently leaked its complaint about Agora to Remond, who cooperated
by writing a story trumpeting the SEC's effort to discredit me and
these good companies.

I wanted to write to you immediately when I got this startling news to
tell you that I will not be cowed by these Machiavellian tactics. I
will continue to raise important issues of investor protection that
the SEC appears to wish to duck. I do so with faith that the truth
will eventually triumph, the evil of electronic counterfeiting will be
curtailed, and the integrity of public security markets restored.

Or to put it another way, if powerful people are so keen to discredit
my criticism of electronic counterfeiting that they will orchestrate
an entirely bogus charge of the kind carried on the wires against me
this week, that itself indicates that more light needs to be shed on
the shadowy activities they are trying to protect.

But, on to the status of your GeneMax holdings... Absolutely nothing
about this company or its exciting immunotherapy development has
changed and would warrant this share price decline. In fact, in an
independent study commissioned by the company, it was determined that
if GeneMax were funded as low as at $1.50 per share, and assuming that
its products prove to work as well in
humans as they have in animals, the present value of the stock would
be $420 per share, notwithstanding dilution. GeneMax remains a
fundamentally sound company and a tremendous buying opportunity at
these levels. I recommend that you increase your GeneMax shares, as
well as those in Endovasc (EVSC.OB). And, may I reiterate, I am a
shareholder in both companies.

And, if you are as concerned as I am about electronic counterfeiting
and its effects on the dynamic young companies that must fuel our
country's future growth (as well as your portfolio), I urge you to
write your congressman. You can also register your concern with the
National Association Against Naked Short
Selling(,, which is taking up the fight for
companies and investors alike.


James Davidson

Below Lila who stalks me,(she emailed me before I was aware of her Agora Inc connections and plan to co-author a book with con artist Bill Bonner),discusses her strange relation to Forbes' writer Gary Weiss who using the racist alias MantanMoreland
removed my biography contribution to Wikipedia and authored his own vanity biography at the same time ! He also lied about 'naked short selling' just like his enemy Wiki editors Patrick Byrne and Judd Bagely who were given free run of Jimbo Wales Wikipedia to censor and lie to commit stock fraud.......Note Lila even admits lieing about me being a Mr.Villasenor as well !

One of Weiss’s alleged sock-puppets on wiki, says , goes by the name,
MantanMoreland (other names used there and elsewhere include
Samiharris - at wiki - and Tom Sykes - at Daily Kos and other places).

Now, it so happens that when I was trying to get rid of my
web-stalker, Tony R, I ran into someone called Mantanmoreland on the
message boards that he haunted. Was this Weiss? Or was it someone
else? You judge.

Correction: I have crossed out the section below where I have
incorrectly identified Tony R as someone by the name of Villasenor,
whose postings/m.o. seemed similar to me on many counts. He has denied
it (see comment section). My post resumes after the crossed out
Interestingly, Ry__s also claims he is not Ry__s.

[However, V doesn't deny that - like R__s he uses multiple aliases,
some very similar, frequents the same message boards, and attacks
similar things].


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