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Peace Conference Looks at Transforming the Land

Listen to the panel on Transforming the Land from the the 5th annual Illinois Coalition for Justice, Peace and the Environment that took place in Urbana IL on Saturday April 10th 2010.
Please see below for the bios of the speakers in order of the links provided above.

Laurel Lambert Schmidt served as moderator.
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Ken Dunn, founder and president of the Resource Center, has more than forty years of experience finding productive uses for discarded materials. The Resource Center has pioneered programs for urban agriculture, recycling, reuse, and re-purposing. Resource Center’s City Farm program provides a model for urban agriculture in Chicago’s Cabrini-Green neighborhood. Mr. Dunn was a recipient of then Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn’s 2006 Environmental Heroes Award for his work in urban composting and agriculture. Mr. Dunn’s breadth and depth of knowledge has been captured in numerous print articles. He is often tapped for his first-hand knowledge and innovative ideas for managing the waste stream through composting and recycling. He is featured in the following books: Fields of Plenty: A Farmer’s Journey in Search of Real Food and the People Who Grow It; Native to Nowhere: Sustaining Home and Community In a Global Age; Garbage Wars: The Struggle for Environmental Justice in Chicago


Terra Brockman, is a member of a remarkable farming family and a nuanced observer of, fierce advocate for, and gifted writer and speaker about sustainable agriculture. She comes at her subject from unexpected angles, combining her experience growing up as one of the 4th generation of an Illinois farm family with her expertise in biology, ecology, literature, philosophy and history. Overall, Terra celebrates the many benefits that come from farming in harmony with nature. Terra is the author of The Seasons on Henry’s Farm: A Year of Food and Life on a Sustainable Farm, and the founder of The Land Connection, an educational nonprofit that saves farmland, trains farmers in entrepreneurial farming, and connects local producers and consumers. Much of her recent work is grounded in her brother Henry’s Farm in central Illinois, where he grows 655 varieties of vegetables in the Mackinaw River Valley.


Karen Hudson, an activist who works to counter the devastating impacts of factory farming, lives on a fifth generation family farm in Peoria County in West Central Illinois. She is President of F.A.R.M. (Families Against Rural Messes), a grassroots organization that organized when livestock factories targeted Illinois for expansion. Karen has been named "Conservationist of the Year" by the Heart of Illinois Chapter of the Sierra Club. Hudson has been featured in the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times, the Dayton Daily News, the Los Angeles Times, and on NPR, as well as in various state and local media. She continues to educate and empower citizens in Illinois and across the nation who face the impacts of livestock factories by speaking and through her work with SRAP(Socially Responsible Agricultural Project), F.A.R.M., and the Illinois Citizens for Clean Air and Water.


Gary Cziko, founder of Transition Champaign County, is professor emeritus of the University of Illinois of Urbana-Champaign in Educational Psychology. He is currently involved in advocating bicycling for transportation, recreation and fitness. He is the Secretary of and has served on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission of the City of Urbana since its inception in 2006. He is interested in all aspects of sustainability including transportation, food, buildings, energy, environmental conservation and restoration, recycling, education, music and art. He is also founder and manager of The Latino Radio Service (LRS), which may be the only foreign-language campus radio station in the U.S. It may also be the only completely automated, Internet-supplied radio station anywhere.



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