Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

Call for an Emergency Response to the U.S. Surge in Afghanistan

The U.S. war in Afghanistan is over 8 years old and a certified disaster for Afghani civilians and Western troops alike. Despite an anti-war majority in the United States, the Obama administration is now getting set to send tens of thousands more troops and urging already reluctant allies to do the same.
Western Soldier in Afghanistan.jpg

Besides causing more death and destruction, this surge will only reinforce Afghanis' legitimate hatred of the decades of foreign domination that their country has endured. Billions that might have gone for healthcare, jobs, education and housing both in the U.S. and Afghanistan will once again be sucked into the military budget vortex, with Obama escalating the record military spending of the previous administration.

Like another foreign occupation about a half century ago in Vietnam, a corrupt local government awash in the drugs trade will do the bidding not of its own people, but of a foreign government thousands of miles away.

We call on all Chicago area people to join in an Emergency Response Protest on the day that President Obama announces the troop surge into Afghanistan with the demands:

Bring all the troops home now!
Funding for human needs, not war!

5 PM – on the day President Obama
makes the announcement
Federal Plaza

Corner of Dearborn and Adams Streets, Chicago

An additional, follow up protest will also be held at 12 noon, Federal Plaza on the Saturday following the President's announcement.

If your community, religious, labor or political organization would like to be listed as a signer of this call, please email CCAWR[at]

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