h3Say NO to KRAFT!h3
pBuenos Aires, August 2009p
We would like to express our deep concern for 150 workers who were illegally fired and discriminated against by the North American multinational Kraft Foods (ex Terrabusi). Amongst those fired were members of the factory committee, delegates and Food Union Directive Committee members (STIA). The company failed to recognize all of the labor legislations in force as well as the Human Rights principles, including their refusal to comply with the Obligatory Conciliation pronounced by the Ministry of Labor.p
The firings are a clear retaliation to the workers’ grievances in light of the swine flu after last July when the workers asked the company to take minimal measures in improving the hygiene in the factory. The fired workers are the companies attempt to silence and break down the workers union organization.
At the head of the Chamber of Food Companies (Copal), which Kraft is also a member, is Mr. Jorge Zorreguieta, Videla Agricultural Secretary, who has reputation destroying workers’ organizations.
The Human Rights groups, including intellectuals, lawyers and well known human rights activists that have confronted the dictatorship and fought against its consequences, will not permit persecutions, firings and intolerance of the workers and their organizations.
Because of this, we strongly condemn the violation of the most fundamental Human Rights of the workers and we demand the immediate reincorporation of all of the fired workers.p FIRST SIGNITURES:p
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel - SERPAJp
Elia Espen – Madres Línea Fundadorap
Enrique Fukman – Ex Detenidos Desaparecidosp
Marcela Gudiño – HERMANOSp
Mariano Pedrero, Myriam Bregman, Ruben Tripi, Victoria Moyano – CEPRODHp
Oficina de DD.HH de la Coalición Cívica p
PLEASE send signatures and support to
solidaridadterra (at) gmail.com p
A letter from the Kraft workers in Argentina p
Brothers and sisters of the combative unions in Chicago,p
The letter is arriving to you in what are very difficult times for us.p
A few years ago (2004) the Kraft Foods company bought out the most important food production factory in Argentina, where we produce goods for local consumption as well as for neighboring countries. The buyout was through a business deal, which allowed Kraft to purchase the company at a very low price.p
Since the multinational took over the company, working conditions have become more than bad. In the midst of a world pandemic caused by the H1N1 virus, children and government employees were excused from duties in order to prevent the spread of the disease. The mothers, working at the Kraft factory, didn’t know have anyone to watch over their children. Furthermore, there are horrible hygiene conditions and security in the factory, much less in the factory’s daycare center; there wasn’t even a bottle of disinfectant for the hands of the 3,000 employees. When we had our first case of H1N1 within the factory, we had to go on strike so that they would give us the days off. p
A few weeks later the company decided to fire 150 workers because they participated in the strike. In the midst of these “selective firings” they sacked our union leaders, the factory committee and our union delegates. We know that the Kraft Foods plant in Chicago doesn’t have a union and we’re sure that this is what these factory owners want to do, even in violation of the Argentine laws.p
We know that the Kraft Foods headquarters is located in Glenview, Illinois and they are controlling this “operation” against us. On our websites dedicated to the struggle we have seen the IP addresses of 17 computers that are connected from EDS/Kraft Glenview, IL, where they spend the entire day watching our news programs.
That is why we are asking for solidarity in getting the word out that the Kraft Foods managers in Glenview, IL are responsible for this attack on workers, union freedom and the rights of hundreds of workers in Argentina. This is why we are asking for solidarity in condemning the actions of these managers.p
In Solidarity from Buenos Airesp