At the 8th annual Walk for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine, the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright and Professor William Ayers spoke to a crowded sanctuary at the United Church of Oak Park.
Although villified in the mainstream press, both Wright and Ayers were warmly welcomed by the Sunday afternoon assembly of Jews, Muslims, Christians, Atheists and Agnostics. Wright, a veteran of the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa stressed the importance ofpersevering in resisting what seems an indestructable system. Ayers spoke about changing the framework of the dialogue surrounding the conflict in Israel and Palestine.
Also featured were Cecilie Surasky, Director of Communications for Jewish Voices for Peace and Reem Salahi, a lawyer specializing civil rights and national security.
The program at the church and the walk throughout Oak Park was followed by a buffet donated by local restaurants. The annual event is sponsored by the Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine and this year was co-sponsored by nearly 30 other groups.
Click on the links below to hear the entire program. Video of the talks was recorded by CJPIP. Check out their website for access to the video.
For the Introduction to the Program and to hear Cecilie Surasky:
To hear Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright:
To hear Professor William Ayers:
To listen to Reem Salahi: