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LOCAL News :: Peace

To those who criticize the Holy Name action

Some have criticized Holy Name Cathedral anti-war action as "alienating" people, as if the congregants at this particular cathedral are your average, work-a-day parishoners who are blameless for this war, rather than a cross-section of the City's elite. Whatever.
If this was such a horrible venue in which to take this action, horribly offending people trying to observe a sacred holiday, then presumably the most offended one of all would be Cardinal George himself.

Instead, here is what he had to say after the protesters were hustled out by security:

"And so should we all, call for peace. Peace, is of course, the salutation that the risen Lord brings to those whom he has called to witness to Him. Peace, I give you, because they were afraid, and therefore they need to be gifted peace."

"They were afraid, first of all, of Him, because they didn't recognize him at first. But, they were afraid also, as we all are, of our sinfulness and of the enormous difficulties that are incumbent upon working for peace in the world in different ways in which people see the need to work for peace."

"In that witness, I think we can be grateful to those who interrupted this holiday."

Don't take my word for it. Watch the video at



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