Hundreds of demonstrators - estimated by some of the organizers at 2,300 - poured into Chicago's Pioneer Court to protest Israel's onslaught against Lebanon and Gaza Saturday July 22.

Chicago, home to a significant Arab-American population, saw hundreds of protesters pour into the downtown shopping area on a busy Saturday to object to Israel's actions in Lebanon and against the Palestinians (Maureen Clare Murphy)

Led by the speakers, the crowd's chants of "No justice, no peace" could be heard from blocks away (Maureen Clare Murphy)

The shouts of the demonstrators echoed off the surrounding buildings (Maureen Clare Murphy)

Israel's historic injustice was a central theme of the demonstration (Maureen Clare Murphy)

Entire families came to participate in the demonstration (Maureen Clare Murphy)

Many shouted, "Ceasefire now!" and protested Israel's excessive use of force (Maureen Clare Murphy)

Many shouted, "Ceasefire now!" and protested Israel's excessive use of force (Maureen Clare Murphy)

Many of those who demonstrated have family in Lebanon and Palestine (Maureen Clare Murphy)

The crowd marched to the Israeli consulate, where they demanded the end to US aid to Israel (Maureen Clare Murphy)
Carrying Lebanese, Palestinian, and American flags, the demonstrators marched to the Israeli consulate to make their objections be known. They were also there to tell Palestinian and Lebanese civilians under siege that while the world has not sufficiently come to their aid, "We have not abandoned you," as one of the speakers at the rally emphasized.
Injustice was a central theme of the demonstration. "No justice, no peace" echoed off the surrounding skyscrapers as the protestors vented their frustration with the double-standards that enjoyed by Israel. Noting that while the world allows Israel to pound Lebanese cities, villages and civilian infrastructure on the pretext of recovering two captured Israeli soldiers, a sheikh from the local Bridgeview Mosque asked, "What about the 10,000 Palestinian prisoners? What about the Lebanese in Israeli prisons?"
The imbalance of power in the Middle East was represented on many demonstrators' signs, which compared the number of Lebanese civilian dead to that of Israel's. Also protested was the US' continued support of Israel despite the state's collective punishment of civilians in both Lebanon and the Palestinians under its occupation. "End US aid to Israel!" was chanted in front of the Israeli consulate.
Some speakers expressed fear that Israel's intentions may be to permanently displace thousands of Lebanese as it did Palestinians when it pushed out nearly a million Palestinians during the establishment of the state of Israel. Already, 500,000 Lebanese civilians are estimated to be displaced - mainly from the south - out of a population of less than four million.
Across the street from the rally were a handful of counter-demonstrators holding Israeli flags. Earlier this week, the Jewish United Fund of Chicago held a rally in downtown Chicago with the participation of politicking local politicians such as republicans U.S. Representative Mark Kirk, gubernatorial nominee Judy Baar Topinka and the democratic Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. The organizers of the demonstration printed large quantities of several signs, including one that read, "Stop the Terror." Some participants in Saturday's rally for Lebanon and Palestine held those same signs, but amended to read "Stop the Israeli Terror."