Support Organizing and Relief in the Gulf South!
New Orleans Film Festival
Tuesday - April 25, 2006 - 6:30 PM
$5 Donation will go to support the ongoing efforts of Common Ground, Critical Resistance and the People’s Hurricane Relief Fund.
At De Paul University – Schmidt Academic Center 154
Short films from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
I Won’t Drown on the Levee and You Ain’t Gonna Break My Back
- Critical Resistance and the Corrections Documentary Project present a scathing expose on the treatment of Orleans Parish Prisoners. As the floodwaters rose, hundreds were trapped in the prison for days, without food or water and with little hope of escape.
Finding Common Ground in New Orleans
A short documentary that addresses the social injustice that took place during and after the hurricane Katrina disaster seen through the lens of poet and activist Walidah Imarisha. Through compelling and often heart wrenching interviews with residents, survivors, activists, volunteers and officials, the landscape of a city devastated and trying to rebuild comes to light. This film includes exclusive footage shot in the makeshift bus station jail known as "Camp Amtrak" and interviews with officials at the jail about the city’s criminal justice system, or lack thereof.
And More!
Sponsored by: DePaul Students Against the War, DePaul Activist Student Union and Critical Resistance Chicago. For more info, email
asiancajunandy (at)