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CIA Mind Control Programs

You can bet they are carrying out further experiments with their captives in the European gulags. These are sick fucken people!
Montreal Court Case
Nabs CIA For Illegal
Mind-Control Experimentation

More than 250 unsuspecting patients eligible for compensation, according to Canadian ruling. Critics of CIA-funded mind control programs call attention to the fact they are still going on today, as referenced in declassified documents calling attention to sinister operations called Bluebird/Artichoke and MKULTRA.

By Greg Szymanski

A barbaric CIA-backed brainwashing experiment, used on innocent people, was at the bottom of a Montreal court decision last year, allowing 250 patients the right to seek compensation for unwillingly taking part in a sinister mind-control program.

The little known Canadian case was given hardly any attention in the American press, but provided startling evidence that as far back as 1953, the American government was covertly involved in funding devious experimental mind control techniques developed by Nazi scientists.

Evidence in the landmark federal Montreal case uncovered the use of LSD and other experimental drugs were illegally administered by Scottish doctor, Ewan Cameron, recruited by the CIA while working at McGill University in Montreal.

Now a year later after the decision, the Canadian law firm that pursued the case said it was having difficulty finding more than 200 of the known patients eligible for compensation, some being former clients who could renew their appeal.

A spokesman for the law office said originally the compensation claims were rejected by the courts 10 years ago, but the that the new ruling provides a strong message to the Canadian government that the original people who failed to receive a redress of grievances now have a strong case.

The law firm of Stein and Stein represented Gail Kastner in the landmark 2004 case who was administered electro shock treatment, LSD and other mind-altering drugs after suffering from only a mild depression.

In court documents, Kastner stated:

"Patients were awakened from drug-induced stupors three or four times a day and given numerous electro-shock treatments," Kastner said, adding Dr. Cameron placed patients in specially designed sleep rooms, placing speakers under pillows in order to relay negative messages at least 16 hours a day.

Court documents revealed Kastner was a 19-year-old gifted honor student when she underwent the treatment at Alan Memorial Institute under Dr. Cameron's direction, treatment designed to alter her personality not cure her depression.

Testimony also revealed when Kastner returned home after her treatment in 1953, she had drastically changed into a completely different person, demonstrating bizarre-like childish behavior.

Her behavior which included talking in baby-like sounds, urinating on the floor and demanding to be fed from bottle finally led to the break down of her marriage and being totally abandoned by her wealthy family who could no longer cope with her behavior.

The case uncovered Dr. Cameron with CIA money and Nazi technology developed a method to deprogram a person's behavior similar to the techniques portrayed in the novel Manchurian Candidate, where people were brainwashed and reprogrammed to carry out specifically assigned tasks.

Critics of CIA involvement in torture and mind-control experimentation are pointing to this case as proof-positive that illegal brainwashing programs are still being carried out in America, the mild-altering techniques being used on unknowing and unwilling Americans for many different types of covert activities.

And dating back to the 1950's the CIA has a long and storied involvement with mind control techniques, essentially being documented by more than 18,000 declassified pages of CIA documents on mind-control.

Most of the declassified documents were used as a basis for three books that can be considered the best references for trying to get to the bottom of the devious CIA activity.
The three books are Bluebird by Colin A. Ross MD, a leading Canadian psychiatrist; Dr. Armen Victorian's Mind Controllers; and A Nation Betrayed by recovered mind control victim Carol Rutz.

However, even though the numerous declassified documents are revealing, researchers suggest much of the more ruthless actions have been deleted from the record prior to the Freedom of Information Act release of the documents.

One of the documents released dated Jan. 7, 2005, explained the following activity being performed on two young women:

"With a section heading "Outline of Special H Cases" it describes the experimental creation of multiple personality in two 19-year old girls by the CIA. "H" is used as shorthand for hypnotic, hypnotized, or hypnotism in these documents: "These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state to a deep H controlled state by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by the use of code, signal, or words, and that control of those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes."

Another even more incriminating CIA declassified document revealed the following evidence of mind control used to turn people into assassins like depicted in the movie Conspiracy Theory starring Mel Gibson:

"A declassified CIA document [8] "Hypnotic Experimentation and Research, dated February 10, 1954," describes a simulation of relevance to the creation of unsuspecting assassins: "Miss [left out] was instructed (having previously expressed a fear of firearms in any fashion) that she would use every method at her disposal to awaken Miss [left out] (now in a deep hypnotic sleep). Failing this, she would pick up a pistol nearby and fire it at Miss [left out].

"She was instructed that her rage would be so great that she would not hesitate to "kill" [ left out] for failing to awaken. Miss [left out] carried out these suggestions to the letter including firing the (unloaded) gun at [left out] and then proceeded to fall into a deep sleep. Both were awakened and expressed complete amnesia for the entire sequence. Miss [left out] was again handed the gun, which she refused (in an awakened state) to pick up or accept from the operator. She expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened."

Also of interest is the experience of mind-control victim, Carol Ruiz, author of the book A Nation Betrayed. In excerpts from her book, Rutz said:

"The CIA bought my services from my grandfather in 1952 starting at the tender age of four. Over the next 12 years, I was tested, trained, and used in various ways. Electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and other types of trauma were used to make me compliant and split my personality (create multiple personalities for specific tasks). Each alter or personality was created to respond to a post-hypnotic trigger, then perform an act and not remember it later. This "Manchurian Candidate" program was just one of the operational uses of the mind control scenario by the CIA. Your hard-earned tax dollars supported this.

"As a survivor of CIA programs Bluebird/Artichoke and MKULTRA, I began my intense search to document some of the mind control experiments that I was made part of. Through a series of FOIA requests to various departments of the government, 48 years after I was first experimented on, I found solid proof of my memories-proof that was in the government vaults of the nearly 18,000 pages of declassified documents from the Bluebird/Artichoke and MKULTRA programs.

"One of the declassified documents states, 'Learning studies will be instituted in which the subject will be rewarded or punished for overall performance and reinforced in various ways-with electric shock, etc. In other cases, drugs and psychological tricks will be used to modify attitudes. The experimenters will be particularly interested in dissociative states (multiple personality). An attempt will be made to induce a number of states of this kind, using hypnosis.' The government had finally handed me the validation I had been searching for."

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