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LOCAL News :: Children & Education

Englewood H.S. Closings Mtg. and Protest.

Three Englwood High Schools to close by CPS to pave way for gentrification and move Blacks to a new reservation. From Teachers for Social Justice...
As most people know, CPS is planning to close four schools, Englewood
HS, Bunche, Grant, and Howland. We went to a
public forum in Englewood tonight about the struggle to save
Englewood and Bunche. It was a powerful meeting, attended by 50+
community people, and some teachers, in a church. People were totally
clear on the city's larger plan. Arne was invited but didn't show,
sent a rep instead. The community people chewed  him up and out, best
done by a Englewood HS youth who really let him have it. As one
community resident (and teacher) said, "This is a plan to move
African Americans out of the city under the guise of school reform!"

Again, the plan to close these schools was done on only a few days
notice, with public hearings at the Board ONLY (not in the
communities), and NO prior consultation with the communities. Grant
School is E. Garfield Pk, and Howland is in  N. Lawndale (both on the
west side).

Next steps include a rally at City Hall this Tuesday, 2/22, at 3:30
or so (see attached flyer from the CTU). Then the Board meeting is
10:00 Wednesday, 2/23 (when all the teachers and other working people
can attend, natch). The struggle to save these schools is at a
critical point and they need ALL of our support!! It is especially
important for those of us NOT from those communities to support them,
to show cross-city and cross-racial/ethnic support. Please try to

rico, for tsj



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