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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

Midwest Protest Takes On U.S. Global Occupations (1 of 3)

Today's protest march is taking place one year after protestors swarmed the lanes of Lake Shore Drive on March 20, 2003, to do what they could to prevent the U.S.'s war on Iraq from beginning.
inverted U.S. flag, [No war].JPG
Now, a year later, thousands of protestors from Chicago, northwest Indiana and St. Louis have converged at the Water Tower plaza to march and have their messages heard. While most share the same complaints about foreign and domestic policy, many have different approaches as to what the next step is. The 2004 presidential election is looming, but not all protestors see the ballot box as a level playing field.
Daniel Romero.JPG
Tom Baker.JPG
Water Tower plaza, crowd, cops.JPG
Arab youth, placard.JPG
Andy Thayer, Jesse Jackson.JPG
[Stop Racial Profiling].JPG
[Not In Our Name].JPG



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