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Depaul Student Arrested for Chalking

Police arrested Depaul student Matt Muchowski this morning at the Chagall statue on Washington west of Dearborn for chalking anti-war slogans. One other student was reportedly arrested at another action for 'disturbing the peace', and has since been released. Students are beginning to assemble across the loop in actions bringing attention to war profiteers.
Police arrested Depaul student Matt Muchowski at around 11AM this morning at the Chagall statue on Washington west of Dearborn, allegedy for chalking anti-war slogans on the statue.

Protesters have charged the police with over-reacting and seeking to suppress dissent in the wake of the beginning of the US war on Iraq. Yesterday police superintendent Terry Hillard promised to respond agressively against any acts of property damage, and students have said they believe Muchowski's arrest may have been in keeping with this tough attitude.

"He was writing anti-war slogans with chalk," said one activist. "If that's an arrestable offence, then the police have truly shut down legitimate dissent in this city."

Students report that one other individual identified only as Johan was also arrested this morning for disturbing the peace, and has subsequently been released.

Students are beginning to assemble across the loop in actions designed to bring attention -- and criticism -- to war profiteers. Targeted company sites are expected to include Leo Burnett, the originator of the "Army of One" ad campaign targeting people of color, and Boeing Corporation, a leading defense contractor.

A small group of friends is heading to the 1st District police station at State and 18th street to do solidarity for Muchowski and wait for his release.

Students are welcoming jail solidarity, including shows of support at the jail, but are urging that police activity not be allowed to derail protest throughout the day and evening.

For more information, contact student activist Rachel Perrotta at 773-569-0568.



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