Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

News :: Civil & Human Rights : Peace : Protest Activity

Four Chicago women arrested in war funding protest

The Occupation Project Four area women were arrested Tuesday to protest an Illinois senator for his implicit support of war funding.

The protest, part of a campaign of civil disobedience actions called the Occupation Project were arrested at the Dirksen Federal Building in downtown Chicago on the morning of Tuesday, February 20. The arrestees protested against Illinois Senator Richard Durbin (whose offices are in the building) for his refusal to vote against a Congressional funding request for the ongoing war and occupation in Iraq.

The activists released a statement which read in part: "If Senator Durbin is against this war, he must stop funding it. We will stay in the lobby of the federal building until removed because we strongly believe that this war must end and that our elected representatives have the power to follow last November’s mandate to do so." Read more

Related resources: Code Pink: The Occupation Project | Voices for Creative Nonviolence: The Occupation Project


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