Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Protest Activity

Over 100 Grassroots Groups Build March 18 Protests to Mark War's Third Anniversary

Whose streets? Our streets!
More than 110 area peace groups, community organizations and grassroots projects— the largest local peace coalition since the Vietnam War — are making a final push to bring out people on Saturday, March 18, for protests to mark the third anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq war. Actions will include over a dozen morning and early afternoon feeder marches, a 3PM rally at Union Park, and a 7PM march south on Michigan Ave from Oak Street to the Loop. Activists have been working on the day's actions for months, with a particular effort on encouraging participation from local neighborhoods. Peace groups from throughout Illinois, as well as Indiana and Wisconsin, are also mobilizing for M18.

The real prize for many protesters is Michigan Avenue, down which antiwar activists will be allowed to legally march for the first time since March 20, 2003. On that day, Chicago cops arrested more than 800 who initially had police permission to return south on Boul Mich from a CPD-approved march on North Lake Shore Drive to oppose the beginning of the Iraq war. ["Where We Stood" documentary | Photos] That mass arrest of peaceful protesters [2] — the largest in the city's history — marked the end of free speech rights for three years on some of Chicago's most prominent traffic corridors. But lawsuits [2 | 3 | 4 | 5], public hearings and permit application battles over issues of civil liberties and constitutional rights appear to have paid off, and this year the City of Chicago grudgingly granted protesters a permit for the street. [Update] Protesters will stage a "Festival of Rights" march starting at 7PM Saturday along the route previously reserved only for an annual police march and the Disney-sponsored commercial holiday "Festival of Lights" parade every November. CIMC Video: Activist Andy Thayer explains the Michigan Avenue permit battle: Windows | Quicktime

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  • CIMC Radio: Listen to our live March 18 radio webstream from 10am through 9pm — and call in at 773-384-8544 to add your voice to our broadcast. Or have your radio station or website rebroadcast our stream. Email our audio team for more info.
  • Video: Got a video camera or know somebody who does? Shoot on March 18 — and we'll work to use that footage for our TV show and our broadcast partners around the country and the world. Email our video collective to learn more.
  • Questions? Email — and see you in the streets on March 18!




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