LOCAL Announcement :: Labor : Prisons : Protest Activity
Sunday, Dec 11 - Holiday Appeal for Class-War Prisoners
U.E. Hall, Sunday, December 11, 3-7 PM, 37 S. Ashland (at Monroe) in Chicago. Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! Abolish the Racist Death Penalty! Free All Class-War Prisoners! Come to the benefit!
This year's Holiday Appeal marks the 26th year of the Partisan Defense Committee's program of sending monthly stipends as an expression of solidarity to those imprisoned for standing up to racist capitalist repression and imperialist depredation. The PDC sends stipends to 16 class-war prisoners. $5 advance, $8 door, $10 contributing.
This is not charity — it's an act of solidarity with those in prison — Their fight is our fight!
Sponsored by the Partisan Defense Committee 312-563-0442