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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: International Relations : Labor : Protest Activity

Dialectics of Organization, Philosophy, Marx’s Last Decade, and Revolution Today

DATE: Monday, December 5, 2011
TIME: 6:30 PM
PLACE: 228 S. Wabash, Room 230, Chicago, IL 60604

News and Letters Committees invites you to a discussion on:

Dialectics of Organization, Philosophy, Marx’s Last Decade, and Revolution Today
Organization is a key problem faced by revolutionaries in this era of globalization, neoliberalism coexisting with state-capitalism, and self-emancipatory movements. The Occupy Movements have revealed a creative response to organization as people in cities all over the U.S. have laid claim to public space and worked out ways to make those places for all as they challenge the status quo. The Occupy Movements have rejected vanguardism and elitism and attempted to work out something totally new.

This discussion will take up the relationship of organization to philosophy in relation to Marx’s new moments in his last decade, to revolutions and Subjects of revolution today. It will address the contradictory ideas and realities of organizations, occupations and revolutions appearing in the Arab Spring, developing countries, the U.S., as well as the Black dimension, women’s liberation, and sexuality and Gay and Lesbian liberation.

Speakers: Gerry Emmett, “World in View” Columnist for News & Letters, and Erica Rae, author of “Needed: Debate on Education in the Era of Cutbacks”

To obtain readings for the discussion, write the above address or call: 312-431-8242
Email: arise (at) Find us on the web:



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