Only weeks ago, a reporter from the right-wing, American Spectator Magazine boasted of his 'efforts' at Washington's Smithsonian Museum, efforts which many argue led to the pepper spraying of innocent Occupy demonstrators, and Occupy's initial blame for his actions. But infiltration, subversion, and agents provocateur have a history of being used against dissident groups.
Occupy Facing ’Cloaked’ Counterattacks
by Ritt Goldstein
Last week it emerged that the New York Police Department seems to have developed a new tactic against Occupy – encouraging those among New York City’s ‘darker side’ to “take it to Zuccotti" (Occupy's NYC encampment), according to a report first appearing in the NY Daily News. Of course, all those opposed to Occupy’s courageous efforts have tried to paste unflattering labels on the protesters from the start, and since there’s nothing dark or sinister about these good folks, it seems they had to find some that fit that description.
Very nasty, but subverting successful popular movements is how those who want to keep things the way they are do so. As a matter of fact, the FBI used to have a covert program with the specific purpose of “surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations”, according to Wikipedia.(1) It was called Cointelpro, and officially existed between 1956 and 1971.
As Cointelpro’s effort included misinformation, defamation, wrongful violence and imprisonment, and a host of other dirty tricks, it was effective, and even targeted such figures as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It would be surprising, given the increased police powers spawned by the ‘War on Terror’, if Occupy wasn’t being similarly attacked today.
Will any 'less than savory' acts blamed on Occupy be theirs, or rather the 'darker work' of those simply masquerading as them?
Agents provacateur can easily buy a Guy Fawkes mask, dress in black, and happily instigate and pursue violence that Occupy will be blamed for. It’s an old tactic, and in the 19th and early 20th century there were so-called ‘Pinkerton Men’ that allegedly pursued questionable acts, Pinkerton being a private ‘detective agency’.
“Businessmen hired the Pinkerton Agency to provide agents that would infiltrate unions, to supply guards to keep strikers and suspected unionists out of factories, and sometimes to recruit goon squads to intimidate workers”, notes Wikipedia.(2) And reports of Occupy infiltrations by private security contractors have been published, as well as video coverage of alleged police infiltrators of Occupy Oakland put on You Tube …
Copwatch@Occupy Oakland: Beware of Police Infiltrators and Provocateurs
It should also be noted here that, in some cases, municipal police are actually being paid by businesses. In example, Wall Street banks do have an ongoing relationship with NYPD, this being part of what's termed the 'Paid Detail Unit'.
As to what these events mean, one thing is certain – those that like things the way they are will fight any efforts to change them, and do so in more than ‘obvious’ ways. But, as evidenced by the successes of the proud US Civil Rights Movement, ‘we, the people’, shall overcome!