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Sat Nov 5: Occupy Chicago/ Bank Transfer Day

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Saturday, November 5 – International Bank Transfer Day

Jackson and LaSalle
Pro-Credit Union Flyering

Grant Park, Michigan and Congress
Keep Your Children Occupied!
From the International Bedlam Society and Occupy Chicago

Jackson & LaSalle
Teach-In: Public Housing and the Plan for Transformation
Speaker: Prof. Mary Platillo (Northwestern)

Grant Park, Congress and Michigan
Teach-In: TIFs 101 - Chicago's Budget for the 1%
Speaker: Ben Joravsky (Chicago Reader)


March from Jackson & LaSalle

to Grant Park, Michigan and Congress

Occupy Chicago General Assembly

Occupy Chicago Plans Citywide Day of Engagement to Celebrate Bank Transfer Day

CHICAGO 11/3/11 – This weekend, Occupy Chicago will offer a variety of participatory events, inviting the whole family to get involved in the Occupy Together movement. Saturday, November 5th is International Bank Transfer Day, when individuals are encouraged withdraw as much as they can from their corporate banks and open accounts at local, not-for-profit, customer-owned credit unions.

“The banks are the 1%. We are sending a clear message that we intend to regain control over our money by putting it in customer-owned credit unions,” says Natalie Wahlberg, a former University instructor. “Bank of America backed down on new fees for debit card users because we stood together as a movement. It’s time for people of conscience to put their money where their mouth is, and stop supporting corporate criminals and the banking elite. ”

From 8am-1pm, Occupy Chicago invites groups and individuals to stop by Jackson & LaSalle to pick up flyers explaining why the move from banks to credit unions is so important. They will be encouraged to share this information with customers at specific corporate bank branches.

From 2pm-5:30pm, in Grant Park at Michigan and Congress, the International Bedlam Society and Occupy Chicago present Keep Your Children Occupied!, a family fair featuring face painting, coloring, bubbles, hula hoops, live music, and sing-along’s. On their website, the Society says they are hosting the event, “Because our children are the 99%. Because one in five American families is food insecure. Because children are only 25% of the country’s population, but 40% of the population living in poverty. Because our schools are broke and our prisons are full. We want a better world for them. And we’re going to celebrate and sing while we do it.”

There will likewise be two teach-ins on Saturday. The first, from 3pm-6pm at Jackson and LaSalle, is on Public Housing and the Plan for Transformation with Professor Mary Platillo of Northwestern University. The second, from 4:30pm-6pm in Grant Park at Congress and Michigan, is titled TIFs 101 - Chicago's Budget for the 1%, with Ben Joravsky, who writes for the Chicago Reader. For more detailed information, please visit:

In Naperville at 10am, Occupiers are meeting at PCN bank, at 9 E Ogden, and will march to the Riverwalk Amphitheater for a General Assembly. At 4pm, Occupy Rogers Park is gathering at the Glenwood, at 6962 N Glenwood. They will board the Red Line train at 5pm and head to Jackson & LaSalle.

Since Sept. 23, Occupy Chicago has been utilizing the sidewalks of the financial district to raise awareness of the corruption and complicity in the banking industry and government.

For more information, see and @OccupyChicago on Twitter.

For more information on the worldwide protest, which has spread to hundreds of communities, see

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