LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous
Dialectics of organization and philosophy in today’s freedom struggles: Lenin’s philosophic and organizational ambivalence
DATE: Monday, October 10, 2011
TIME: 6:30 PM
PLACE: News and Letters Library
228 S. Wabash Ave., Room 230
Chicago, Illinois
Speakers: Olga Domanski, National Co-Organizer, News and Letters Committees, and Bob McGuire, labor page editor, News & Letters, author of “Strikers in China demand own unions, defy capitalism”
News and Letters Committees invites you to a discussion:
Dialectics of organization and philosophy in today’s freedom struggles:
Lenin’s philosophic and organizational ambivalence
Lenin has become the focus of renewed interest, even including his What Is to Be Done? whose vanguardist organizational theory became the bible for Marxist-Leninists. Grasping the nature of both his achievements and his shortcomings is a crucial aspect of dialectics of organization and philosophy.
Lenin’s importance is seen, above all, in his return to Hegel’s dialectic and, with it, his philosophic break and practicing of dialectics of revolution. This discussion explores what it meant for him to have reached such a high stage and still not prepared revolutionaries for Stalinism and the problem of what happens after revolution.
To obtain the suggested readings contact News and Letters Committees at the address above or: phone: 312-431-8242; email: arise at newsandletters dot org; on the web: