The racist U.S. Right has used the specter of terrorism in attacking Muslim religious law, Sharia, as a way to build and deepen fear of all Muslims and forward their reactionary agenda. Genuine feminist organizations like the decades-old Women Living Under Muslim Laws and the Britain-based One Law for All make sure to distinguish themselves from such anti-human bigotry. These feminist organizations battle Sharia, not all Muslims, just as feminists in the U.S. fight the religious right here. Clearly it is not fear of religious law trumping secular laws that animates anti-Muslim racists, as they have not a word to say against another religious doctrine seeking global hegemony.
Just as Sharia threatens women’s life and health in many countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia, so today in the U.S. Catholic medical institutions treat one in every six hospital patients and refuse to do abortions or direct sterilizations, honor patients’ end of life wishes, give rape victims the morning after pill, or dispense any birth control. The Catholic hierarchy’s power is also manifest in their decades-long cover-up of pedophile rapist priests where canon law trumps secular laws.
The religious right that rails against Sharia on U.S. soil, has no problem with their interpretation of Christianity being the law of the land. Come share your thoughts on ways to confront this reality, in thought and in practice.
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arise (at); on the web: