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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Environment : Labor : Protest Activity


National Projects Coordinator for Democracy Unlimited and former Green Party Presidential candidate, David Cobb, urged a packed audience at Logan Square Public Library on Tuesday to join "Move to Amend," a movement to strip the cloak of "personhood" from corporations.
David Cobb swept into Chicago yesterday evening after appearances in Peoria and Alton, Illinois. Cobb is criss-crossing the country urging audiences to join a grass roots movement kick-started by the recent Supreme Court decision (Citizens United v FEC) that unequivocally declared corporations are persons with individual rights.

In his dynamic speech, Cobb laid out the history of corporations in the U.S., starting with the 13 original colonies which Cobb says were trading companies or corporations authorized by the King of England. He compared the mission of corporation throughout the centuries by comparing the aqueducts built for the public good by a corporation instituted thousands of years ago in Rome to the destructive practices of some of today's corporations. Cobb then pinpointed the forces which have paved the way for the unchecked emergence of corporate power.

Cobb is one of the co-founders of the "Move to Amend" campaign, a movement to amend the U.S. Constitution to declare that only human beings are people and protected by the bill of rights. But Cobb called the movement more than just an amendment campaign. He sees it as a call for a collective awakening to the reality that we no longer have a functioning democracy but have ceded power to corporations.

MOVE TO AMEND is a coalition of progressive, liberal and conservative groups who agree that corporate personhood is dangerous for the planet.

During the meeting, a Chicago chapter of Move to Amend was established out of volunteers from the audience. David Cobb joins a Pro-Democracy rally in Madison Wisconsin today, August 24th through the 28th.

Click on the links below to hear David Cobb's talk and the question and answer session following.

Democracy Unlimited
P.O. Box 610
Eureka, CA 95501
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