The meeting will be held at the office of the 8th Day Center for Justice, 205 W. Monroe Street, 5th floor, Chicago (wheelchair accessible). Due to security arrangements for the building, please do not arrive earlier than 2:45 PM nor later than 3:15 PM (you will have to phone someone to let you into the building if you are later than that). The Facebook event is at
The second half of the August 21 meeting’s agenda will be devoted to local organizing efforts against the G8 and NATO meetings scheduled for next May in Chicago. Also to be discussed will be preparations for the
August 28th national organizing meeting against G8/NATO to be held in Chicago, initiated by the United National Anti-War Coalition (UNAC).
The August 28th meeting will be from 9:45 AM to 6 PM at the Kent College of Law, 565 W. Adams Street, Room C50. The Facebook event for this is
here. Attendees for the meeting are encouraged to register in advance here
here. For out of town participants in this Sunday’s meeting, conference call capability has been arranged so as to facilitate your participation. At 3:15 PM, dial 218-936-4141, and enter 1077953# when prompted. For more information about these and other events, please email CCAWR [at]